While Anthony Bourdain can be quoted, “I don’t know if bar-b-que is the road to world peace, but it’s a good start.” I would also like to submit pizza as another avenue The combinations of sauce, cheese, and toppings are almost limitless Fine dining…
Tag: Pizza
Pizza Musings – Hour 22, Prompt 22
Lately, I feel all the fighting, unreal my toppings should not cause friendships to stop. There’s pineapple, whew causes quite a to-do arguments ensue with spam, they say eww! But pizza’s like people no two the same, or equal toppings they vary with…
(Hour 22) 19.30pm-20.30pm. BOTH PROMPTS: pizza + silence
a small piece of peace given : we’ve all : only known each other : less than a week : it’s pretty remarkable : how well we all : get along : the most conflict : i guess unsurprisingly : given they’re sister & brother…

Season of The Cane Toad: 2020
I’m sanitising the sideboard where I lay my paper down I’m bleaching the steps at the front and back doors I’ve got bottles of disinfectant ready for murder, if I must I’m keeping a squeaky clean house because it’s the Season of the Cane Toad…
Hour Eight: Cici’s Alfredo Pizza
Author’s Note: Since I am very hungry right now, the topic of pizza seems more fitting than any other topic. Not going by the prompt this hour. I figured that talking about this will help you get insight into my journey of this marathon, and…
(Hour 15) 12.30pm-13.30pm. PROMPT, theme: “heart (no metaphors)”
AMI 2,775,398,465 2,775,398,466 2,775,398,467 2,775,398,468 2,775,398,469 it was on the two billion seventy hundred and seventy five million three hundred and ninety eight thousand four hundred and sixty ninth beat that the final piece of fatty material (possibly from yesterday’s cheeseburger & chips or the…
The Seventh Hour
MEANING a pizza box can mean many things like he was late from work and decided to not make dinner or that it’s family movie night on a cold Friday and popcorn’s in the microwave. possibly there’s nothing worse than when one reaches for…