
While Anthony Bourdain can be quoted,

“I don’t know if bar-b-que is the road to world peace,

but it’s a good start.”

I would also like to submit pizza as another avenue


The combinations of sauce, cheese, and toppings

are almost limitless

Fine dining could charge $50 per pie

while the corner shop asks for $2 per slice


The food of kings and teenagers

Appropriate for any celebration

and welcome at any meeting

The ultimate temptation to college students


Everyone is equal at the pizza table

Round like the table Arthur set for his knights

We come together for food, friends, conversation, and debate

Until the box is empty

4 thoughts on “Pizza

    1. I am not vehemently opposed, nor am I a die-hard fan. I have only had pineapple on pizza once to my recollection. I was not disgusted, nor converted. I would eat again if that was the decision of the majority. 🙂

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