One day…

One day when the MASKS come off, And forgotten smiles touch us once again, It might be STRANGE but, We will have learned to listen to unsaid words, Of songs that speak of love and pain. One day when the air is clean We will…

The Pharisee

Mine is a rudderless vessel guided by a Pharisee wind – the breath that no one sees but me. He was there at the porch that day I knocked and said nothing.

Dearest Appetite

Appetite, I am tired of you. Truly, I am. You wax and wane like the moon, gurgle like a rushing brook over too many rocks. Can you please be still? Please? Think of what I need, not what you want. Another cookie… six pieces of…

Celebrating Emojis!

All other expressions be on your way, Why isn’t there a day to celebrate words? A day for all the language🧐 But it’s nice to celebrate something new, Rejoice in the use of the emoji✌️ Emojis definitely brighten up a tweet✨, To tell everyone you…

I’m Not Proud of This – Hour 8, Prompt 8

O Pilot! My Pilot! Our spooked wave ship ended to the left Frosty breathed a tornado ship, prizes and medals and parties Soon the right ship anchor, ears bell, Dancing twin girls Dancing twin boys T T Eyes, Ship Equals Meh plus fencer But O…

Buy-fly Die!

Buy-fly Die! Damselfly freely fornicating on the wind, Your act sustains your beauty for those who see. With us, the blind define life as evil – a veil for their own ills. There exists no pornographic rape in the world of wingéd creatures. Lay your…

Season of a Promise kept…

The calm brush of a breeze with the scent of home fires burning, Inviting, the spell of leaves falling in a swirl, they touch your face and provoke a smile. The gentle caress of autumn steals the sultry heat of summer precludes the melancholy of…

Season of Spice – Hour 7, Prompt 7

Look, here comes a rumor full of flavor and oh my! There’s another little story soaring by. Here comes a tale that’s sordid, tart, and full of tricky things I’m so lucky to have plucked its tiny wings. Rumors are the Spice of life Causing…

Every day I fall in love…

Every day, I fall in love with something new, A face in a passing car, upturned in a smile, A dream, remembered long after waking up. A glint of red in my own unwashed hair, A tree in winter, looking as good as dead, A…

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