
If you’d direct the masses to go, Not necessarily to war This works just as well for any cause, These are some rules you ought to know It’s vital to give the crowd a show; Remind them what we’re fighting for And, if any of…

Practice makes perfect

I’m the best student in the school, the smartest student in the history of students, I can talk my way into an A before you can eat your lunch. You think you have an after school job? My job is the greatest after school job…

(Hour 13) 10.30-11.30am — #65 “Old age pension”

#65 The end of entitlement, or how to get a Newstart in life the wisdom of Treasurer Joe Hockey on how to work the system despite industrialisation taking jobs away &/or offshore our beloved bumbler, believes we should now all work til we’re 70 before becoming…