5 // synthetic leaves

today we make synthetic leaves   become gods make life out of notlife and it works –you think we can change the world coat cities in chlorophyll like paint?– I tell you I’m happy with what we’ve made twist together flowers for you but you want…

4 // [sometimes I think I need ionic bonds]

sometimes I think I need ionic bonds where I can hang off of somebody unload everything onto their shoulders and not my own where I can literally lose parts of myself in them where I can float because there is so much of me that…

Before Darkness

When the last crepuscular rays bathe the marsh in sweet golds and pinks, predation peaks. Twilight hours inspire nightmares – ethereal veils barely separating the living from the soon to be dead. Light refracts oddly in this aqueous medium that fosters beguiling shadows. Always remember,…

3 // redox

–I don’t mind being neutralised if that makes you happy –reduce me –give me electrons –give me negativity –I’ve got room on my shell –let’s go –let’s react –oxidise yourself –shed everything you want to lose –I can take it

1 // transparent wood

we twist spaces between cells into windows pull out pigments and lignin remove wood from wood until we have glass or the closest thing we can get xylem lets light in through soft spaces green architecture without colour– perhaps we will build a house out…