My Introduction

Hello friends. Long time author, short time poet. As someone who strives for excellence in all things writing, this will be my first poetry marathon. Normally, I write novels, particularly fantasy with a twist of romance. I’ve also written quite a bit of fanfiction, one…


Writing, Pencil on the finger tips Ink on the hands This has been my life   Telling Stories to entertain Stories to amaze This has been my life   Sharing With my friends and family With students and co-workers This has been my life  …

Reasons – Motivation for a Poetry Marathon

Why would you do that? Because I love to write What will you get from that? A satisfaction at night How much are you going to be paid? Not a single dime Who would make you do such a thing? This writing passion of mine


Clarity rings through the darkness of induced sleep. The fog of yesterday clinging to the present day. It has no hold, it has no sway, just a whiff of ancient smells. See, hear, feel, know what has changed, know what has always been. Searching for…

Let Go

When the moon rises high, like a celestial eye a voice rides upon the whipping wind, saying, “Let go, let go…change is coming. “Bend, bend…be like the wise Willow and not the stubborn Oak.” Before the witching hour, every heart and mind drifts to the…


Note: between basketball and other sports I didn’t really have time to do this properly, so I just winged it. Looking forward to revisiting the form when I do have the time! Most importantly, breathe in and out. Don’t panic, write down a few words,…

VII. Have You Met My Friend, Proust?

  Proust was a man of many words. If you could say it in five, He’d say the same thing in 50, and I loved every line. So often, I find myself staring at the empty page seeing a polar bear in a blizzard eating snow. My…