A beach where we can grow old
Not retirement, just returning to dust
In the beginning
The children play tag
Hide and seek
Captured youth
In freeze frame
Vultures, snakes, and fish
No creatures can survive
The rock’s accelerated lifecycle
The dog dies and
Even the cutlery is rusty
Only racism thrives in such conditions
The black rapper, pseudonym, Mid-Size Sedan
Slashed across the face
Stabbed in the chest
Meets a violent end, no matter the pristine setting
Two of three children escape
The next morning
Aged hands
Shape sandcastles
And decode messages
Intended for former selves
The cryptic reveal, a way out
Through the coral-lined passage
The man that pulls the strings
The hotel manager who presented the exclusive opportunity
The hostess who served the drugged cocktails
Big pharm rocks the trials
A lifetime of testing in just one day.
(note: I giggled through the CinemaSins roast of this movie, even though I thoroughly enjoyed the movie on its own)