Congratulations Full Marathoners!

Congratulations full Marathoners! I am so happy that you have completed 24 poems in 24 hours! That is wonderful. Thank you for joining us for this intense events. .

In the past I have personally verified that everyone who applied for a certificate was eligible and then I would make a certificate. Due to how big the marathon has grown, this is no longer possible. Now we operate  on the honor system.

If you completed the Poetry Half Marathon please consider the following certificate yours, to update with your name, to print if you choose to do so. If you need any help altering the certificate please email me at

You are welcome to use this tool get get the certificate with your name on it.

Congratulations again on your completion of The Half Marathon.

The visual example of what the certificate will look like is right below this text:

Also this year we will be putting together two anthologies.

The print anthology will be edited by Blessing Omeiza Ojo, a terrific poet (you can read one of his poems here) and a long time participant in the marathon. For the first time ever there will be rejections for the print edition. He will pick between 80-100 poems to publish in the anthology. This is the last time that the co-founders of the poetry marathon, are paying for the print anthology, and the last time we will formally be “in charge” of any anthology. You can learn more about why, here.

That being said the wonderful poetry marathon community is already stepping up, and Erin Lorandos, another long time marathoner and compelling poet (you can read one of her poems here), is putting together an electronic anthology that includes everyone’s work

Submissions for the print anthology will be open from the 18th through the 30th of September. Submissions for the electronic anthology will be open between the 7th and 21st of October. More details about both anthologies will be forthcoming soon.

Digital copies will be made available for free to any contributor. Print copies will be available for a reasonable price and any money that is made from them will go towards covering the cost of the marathon.

Want to know what The 2022 Poetry Marathon Anthology was like? Pick up your copy here.

13 thoughts on “Congratulations Full Marathoners!

  1. You state “Submissions for the print anthology will be open from the 18th through the 30th of September. ” Do we have to select our best poems from the marathon and officially submit them to the anthology? Or is that handled without our help? My first time doing this, so I apologize for not knowing. I very much enjoyed this challenge! This was an amazing experienced and being part of the poet community here is also amazing! Thanks!

    1. The submission guidelines will be released closer to the date, but you do have to submit two poems for consideration for the print anthology, and one poem, for the electronic anthology, if you want to possibly be included in either. Thank you for your kind words.

  2. One of my poems somehow got deleted and I’m not sure how. Would be acceptable if I repost it and still be included in the anthology despite it’s tim stamp? It was my hour Five poem. I checked earlier and it was there but I just went back on to reread my poems and now it’s gone. I’m not sure if it was an error on my part or a technical difficulty. Let me know at your convenience and thank you again for this opportunity.

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