Write a poem about what you are longing for most right now.
One thought on “Prompt 21, Hour 21”
This is sort of a combo of Prompts 16 & 21 and I’m using it as my Hour 21 Poem:
Thankful for You
By Sandy Lender
Did I tell you today how awesome you are
How much I admire and adore you
Did I tell you today how cute you are
How your every movement makes me smile
Did I tell you today your voice is a song that brings joy into my life
How each mutter is adorable
Did I tell you today how you delight me
How your presence is all I need to get through
Did I tell you today how thankful I am
How glad I am to have 19 years of memories of you
This is sort of a combo of Prompts 16 & 21 and I’m using it as my Hour 21 Poem:
Thankful for You
By Sandy Lender
Did I tell you today how awesome you are
How much I admire and adore you
Did I tell you today how cute you are
How your every movement makes me smile
Did I tell you today your voice is a song that brings joy into my life
How each mutter is adorable
Did I tell you today how you delight me
How your presence is all I need to get through
Did I tell you today how thankful I am
How glad I am to have 19 years of memories of you