Belief and Technique for Modern Faerie Magick (List of Essentials) – Hour 12

Belief and Technique for Modern Faerie Magick (List of Essentials)

6. Be crazy dumbsaint of the mind” — Jack Kerouac


  1. Unstructured will grow a structure all its own
  2. The nature of nature is cosmic giggle
  3. Trees are guardians of ancient interconnectedness
  4. Be in love with your life
  5. Every breath you take has a message for you
  6. Crazy dumbsaint and madly poetic for minutiae
  7. Entertain all things absurd
  8. Nonlinear is the shortest path
  9. Nonsensical is the surest sanity
  10. No time in Faerie except exactly what is
  11. Everything is irrational if you really think about it
  12. Choose delight over fright
  13. Listen to everyone and trust your heart to know itself
  14. Reveal your unconscious to yourself
  15. Scream when you want to, cry when you want to, laugh when you’re done
  16. Mystic dream revealing bridges and trolls beneath them
  17. NO FOOD NO DRINK NON-NEGOTIABLE but only if you’re not here with the humans
  18. I probably should have said that last one sooner, it’s important.
  19. Secret language of Faerie revealed only to the playful
  20. There is no such thing as a Mistake
  21. The onus always on the student to decide which teachers are wise
  22. Lovingkindness in everything
  23. Infinite stones left unturned
  24. There are no absolute truths known to you
  25. The voice of the wind can whisper a warning to the wise
  26. What do you love more than love?
  27. Who looks back at you in the mirror?
  28. Are you willing to be beyond belief?
  29. You’re a Mystic all the time
  30. In another dimension, all of this is a TV show



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