1. Books
  2. Clouds
  3. Trees
  4. Childlike Curiosity
  5. Suspension of Disbelief


       Marinate liberally in 1, preferably for many years early in life. This will be easier if you naturally gravitate towards the wildness of life, because you will unnerve your peers and thereby acquire very few friends to distract from your marinating. Intersperse intense marination with 2 and 3. Make sure you spend time walking, and sitting, in relationship with 2 and 3. Do not add 4 or 5 yet, you must develop your relationship with 2 and 3 first, for at least half as long as you marinated in 1. As you incorporate 2 and 3, as you sit and walk with them and deepen your relationship with them, you will begin to notice that they draw out the flavor and images of 1. This is when you should begin to incorporate 4. Allow 2 and 3 to call back to 1, and encourage this interplay, getting the first three ingredients thoroughly mixed together in 4.
       It may take you a long time, but eventually you will notice that 2 and 3 appear to add to your understanding of 1. They may even seem to shift and move in answer to your own thoughts. THIS is when you should VERY LIBERALLY apply 5. You will think you’re crazy. That’s OK. This world is insane, so if you’re sane in an insane world you’re actually already crazy anyways no matter what you do. And that means you’re free! Through 5 and 4, 2 and 3 will continue to collaborate with you. First it will be in brief conversations. If you continue to mix all of the ingredients together, they will lead you all the way back to the beginning, and you will generate a 1 of your very own (though you, of course, will know that 2 and 3 were indispensable in the process, so they are just as much the authors of these new 1s as you are.)

       *If ever you lose interest in continuing to marinate 1, go back to 4 and liberally apply.

       *If you gain the ability to converse with 2 and 3 but then lose it, go back to 5 by way of 4.

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