Beating the market | Surya T | Poetry Marathon Poem 11

The storefront was crowding
The market watchlist was in full boom
Despite it being a cafe, it was filled with traders
Trying to make a quick buck for a small move

I gaze upon them from behind the counter
To catch a glimpse of the things they do
Market, Bitcoin, Crypto, trading, cloud services
These are the only words in their vocabulary

Beat the market, this is the only goal they have
Beat the market, even if it is just 1%
Moving large amounts of money in transactions
Just for a change of one ten-thousandth

Their goals are in the sky
Making a ton of money is their only goal
A 2% return one day puts them on cloud 9
even though the next month is entirely losses

Beat the market, this is the only thing they know
They aren’t skilled at anything else
Even if they are given $100 to count the floors in a skyscraper
They’ll end up not even reaching to 1

Spread your skillset, trading isn’t enough
You wait for luck to move the needle
Your knowledge is almost nothing
and you are incompetent

Work hard, there’s no other alternative
beating the market happens after that
first learn to work on your ownself
Then start capitalizing on others’

Surya T

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