I became cleaner after he died
Allowing forever paint chips
To loosen and be swept
Human smells creeping out
Through windows, doors ajar
Leaving constellations of dust
Autonomous universes
Home to beings who do no harm
Recycling even bad thoughts
Into tulips
TobeTTĀ #12
I interpreted this into my own take, as people always will with poetry, and I took it to mean that after someone moves on to the next plain, things are so much clearer and it’s easier to forgive.
I’ve lost a lot of people in the past few years, including my grandmother during the 2017 marathon and it was like closing a book. I like how you put this in terms of smell and mess. I hadn’t thought of it that way but it’s very true. I had thought of it more emotionally; I love the depth this adds and in very few lines. Great job, I read it three times!
Well, you have really done it here, TT. This is INCREDIBLE. It is hugely powerful no matter what (ie knowing or not knowing the backstory). You rock, girl!!!