The Party #11

The Party


There’s a party

In her heart

Can you hear it?

Did it start?


Mother told her

Wear your best

Men will notice

Pass the test


Catch a good one

Hold him fast

He’ll keep you safe

And make you last


She has no children

There are no pets

She smiles slyly

With few regrets


She never married

She found no one

It is her life

There is some fun


She has good work

Her days and nights

The party lasted

Just out of sight


No one gets it

She must drink

She can’t be happy

Is what they think


To win in life

You must be two

To prove you’re worthy

That love is due


She hears the chatter

Without a tear

Her heart is full

And love is near


It’s not a secret

Not in a book

But for the taking

Though you must look


Love’s not a payment

There is no price

You always have it

Good, bad or nice


Your brought the love

When you got here

There’s plenty of it

To share with cheer


It’s all inside

Not out in space

Not with some man

Who likes your face


This life will dim

You cannot stay

Toss off the fear

Seek joy each day


There’s a party

In your heart

Can you hear it?

Did it start?

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