Awake to waves on pebbles
The chinook sailing across the trees.
The songs of sparrows
Fresh of the meadow
Last blinks of Venus
As the sun scales
Scrambles up and over the Missions
To set the Big Sky ablaze
Warmly slowing the icy lake to ripples
Tiptoe to the granite edge
Crunch of last years needles
Flakes of flint from earth mother
Strengthen my feet
Nudge from below with their history
Into the air I soar suspended.
Weightless, extended
Eyes falling on the hills
Breathing the ponderosa
Blinking with every summer of life
Flooding my mind
Before the lake drinks me whole
Taking every sensation
But Home.
Fighting with Word Press on the line spacing on this one. There isn’t supposed to be any. Halp!
If you’re talking about lines between verses, backspace so the “blank/empty” line is deleted, & the two separate lines are next to each other on the same line then do a FORCE BREAK which is at the same time.
Hope this helps…
Ok thanks I’ll try to fix it!!
Update! It worked!!