Probably I could have done something differently.
Can’t we always find a way to blame ourselves?
It’s hard to reconcile when one person is finished
but one is still bound in place by the memories.
They were good memories. Full of life and joy.
Perhaps I made the relationship revolve around me.
That doesn’t mean I didn’t love you.
Perhaps I could have shown it more—though
It always seemed we were happy and secure,
I grieved a long time when you left.
Send in the Clowns was my anthem for years.
But I realize that my destiny can’t be tied to someone
who leaves, or yours to someone who can’t move.
As we’ve discovered since, we can still care,
while knowing that the story we lived is over.
There were lessons to learn, but the long walk
we had together still brings me joy.
I loved those days, those days of innocence and
days of consequence. Sadly, you reached
the inevitable transition sooner than I did.
I understand. There’s peace in that.