Hour 8–Stardust

How to tell of that Easter weekend on the Big Island?

on the newest of islands where lava swept into the sea

to see it at night

the most stable thing you can think of


the most solid immovable permanent thing in liquid form moving past you coughing orange oceans of steamĀ into the sea tide playing





no loss


no gain

all in movement in motion slow irrevocable how to explain

it changes you it shakes you to the core it shows you that no thing is permanent that all is in flux

it shows you what a raft it all is as this island and all others tear slowly away from the hot spot one inch a year


that no physical thing in the universe is permanent in its present form that all is transmutable that yin and yang kaleidoscope each other all is fleeting

as it should be

just different from what we were taught

illusions fall away

just as they should

One thought on “Hour 8–Stardust

  1. I loved this line:

    “it changes you it shakes you to the core it shows you that no thing is permanent that all is in flux”

    The changing rhythm fit well with your subject- the thoughts were coming and going in waves

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