A Sense of Breath

Prompts Hour Sixteen

Text Prompt

I lost the ability to smell years ago.

I miss the smell of strawberries.

like I miss my Grandma Emily.

I miss the smell of freshly baked bread

like I miss my childhood.

I miss the smell of Roses

like I miss how roses were once made for the eyes and the nose.

I miss the smell of dirt after a rain

like I miss growing up on a farm.


I need to take in a different breath in life.

I need to relearn to breathe.

I have learned with my eyes that I need to breathe only through my nose.

I have noticed that my sense of smell is returning

in just a little time I have started to be more mindful of how I breathe.

I never thought that breathing is a sense too.

I never thought that there is a right and wrong way to breathe.

Is there a more correct way to see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to move, to smell, to listen, to be?







Write a poem focusing on an experience through a sense other than vision – or a sense you don’t often use or ignore.

Contributed by Janette Rosebrook.

Image Prompt

2 thoughts on “A Sense of Breath

  1. Wow. Just wow. I shied away from this prompt and, in reading this, have discovered just how well it can be completed! The opening stanza is incredibly moving – the juxtaposition between a particular scent and then a person (your grandmother) or a passage in time (your childhood) is handled masterfully and stopped me in my tracks. I paid close attention, for I didn’t know where you were going to take me. And the second stanza? The conscious awareness and care that you give to something we usually take for granted – breathing through our nose to smell – will stay with me. As will the question in your final line. An absolutely stunning poem.

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