I've always enjoyed rainstorms The downpours, the thunder, the lightning The drumming of drops on the roof The flash of lightning ... Waiting for the thunder to crack overhead Summer rains in the Arizona desert Was like standing under the water of a tepid shower Washing away the dust of the day Our faces tipped skyward, mouths opened Laughing as we choked on the drizzle We splashed through the puddles in barefeet Watching out for the the worms struggling For a breath of air as the rain drove them From the depths of their domain We squealed to avoid stepping on them Eventually, the sun drove away the rain Drying up the puddles The clothes we wore on our bodies The worms caught out on the pavement Soon sizzled away Our interest in the outdoors Waned as the heat arose And we headed indoors for Lunch and an afternoon nap To wait for the next cycle of storms