Carnivorous carnival (Hour 17)

Hope plays the role contrite, L’art Cullinaire served on despair,

‘You remember your place, my hold ever renewed!’

For what is flavour if loyalty, if yours is insipid impaired


She basks on pleasantries, humouring my air,

Callously agreeable, contented and shrewd,

Hope plays the role contrite, L’art Cullinaire served on despair,


As doe eyes adore, awaiting my approvals care,

‘ A pleasant idea’, a mock and impugn,

For what is flavour if loyalty, if yours is insipid impaired’


‘ My canines are trained, versed in savageries prayer,

But fear not my heart, you they will not consume!’

Hope plays the role contrite, L’art Cullinaire served on despair.


She dances and connives, I see you in my vacant stare,

Within my gaze, darkly dreaming visions accrue,

For what is flavour if loyalty, if yours is insipid impaired



I have ensnared you once, for I am the fox to your hare,

‘Tonight we hunt, for flesh’s atonement is due!’

For what is flavour if loyalty, if yours is insipid impaired,

Hope plays the role contrite, L’art Cullinaire served on despair.

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