2024 Poetry Marathon Anthology

While we are no longer putting together or publishing an anthology this year, a long term community member DS Coremans has put together a call for submissions and will publish the 2024 Poetry Marathon Anthology. The anthology is open to submissions from July 15th, 2024…

Registration for the 2024 Marathon is now closed!

  Thank you so much to everyone who registered to participate in the 2024 Poetry Marathon! We had an unprecedented 627 people apply to participate this year! That does not mean all 627 will make it to the starting line but it’s still over 100…

Because You Care

Elites, being elite, and clearly special by virtue of… I’m not entirely sure, but whatever. They’re special, because they said so, and so it is. We, the people, need to learn to accept reality. And so it shall be. We, the people, need to get…

Young-ish Women with a Badge

“Is she referring to us?” Yes, I am. The two of you. West LA. What was the name of that street? I was late, having gone to your offices downtown first. Yes, you, who deleted our text messages. Don’t you like your jobs? “Oh, shit,…

The Online Anthology is Now Available!

Thanks to the hard work of Erin Lorandos, who volunteered their time and energy to take full responsibility for publishing an anthology of poets from the 2023 Poetry Marathon. Erin has asked that we post the anthology here, for everyone to enjoy. The link to…

How to use political leverage

Is the system broken? If so, inspect the foundation. Is the foundation cracked or spalling? Be sure to stand on a solid foundation. Is the structure simple or complex? Try to simplify through truth. Are you a liar? You’ve already lost. Try another method.

The Lowest Class By Definition

They are the true untouchables with their money, power, and a complete lack of: Empathy Respect for humanity Fear of God Basic lawfulness Desire for justice Work ethic Self governance Critical thinking skills Civility An ability to listen Concern for the public good Common sense…

Something Wrong?

“There’s something wrong with you, Joy!” No, there’s not. I’m perfectly ok. I have a job. I rent a big house all by myself. I pay my bills. Lazy about exercise, but that’s nothing unusual in the course of human history. I don’t cheat people…

Poor Fragile Little Sociopath

Don’t tell me who my friends can be. Don’t stress at what I find funny. Don’t tell me when to laugh or cry Don’t tell me how you know that I think this or that, or should do a thing, live in a place, or…

I just want my bike

“Daddy, I just want my bike.” she cried, as the tyrants laughed. “Why can’t I have my bike?” Darling child… beautiful child… How it breaks my heart to know. Evil people exist because they lost their hearts. Somehow, that very normal part of us all…

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