In One Hundred Years

In one hundred years
We’ll have flying cars
While we live on Mars
Explore the stars
If Elon gets his act together.

In one hundred years
We’ll have equal rights
Won’t that be a sight?
Give the bigots such a fright!
Or am I being optimistic?

In one hundred years
We’ll be free of getting sick
Medical science, that’s the trick
Lets hope scientists get there quick
Cos I’m not going back to lockdown!

In one hundred years
From bunkers we’ll poke out our heads
As we laugh at all the fools who said
That there was no need to fear the thing we dread
That fallout shelters were for idiots

In one hundred years
I’ll not be here
Not that I’m much of a seer
Is there really all that much to fear
I can’t be the first to think it

In one hundred years
Will they remember me?
Will there even be a memory?
More to the point will there even be
Any humans left to do it?

In one hundred years
Will we still fear each other
And condemn all those we should name brother
Or are we doomed to kill one another?
But I live in hope.

Because in the last hundred years
And further back
The human race has an unbeaten track
Of taking a punch and getting right back.
So I guess, I’m not that worried…

One thought on “In One Hundred Years

  1. Your poem is incredible! It’s real, it’s funny and it makes me wonder about things – I love the ‘Will they remember me?/WIll there even be a memory?/More to the point will there even be/Any humans left to do it?’ – heavy! Awesome but such a heavy thought! Well done!

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