Hour 16 (2022)- Anything But That

There’s many a heart that’s been filled with joy
And many the hearts that have broken
With sweet uttered words and a kind touch
And a tone that is gentle when spoken.

I would go to the ends of the earth for your love
I would meet you wherever you ask
I would hold your hand with a feeling of pride
In the warmth of your love I would bask.

There are so many things in this world I would do
To make the most of this gift from above
But to let you lick my cheek, my ire would peak
What would I do for love?

One thought on “Hour 16 (2022)- Anything But That

  1. I like how the title is “Anything but that” and you list things you’d do for love. By the end we get an answer to the title but the question on the last line makes me wonder, if you’d overlook the transgression? Would you allow that for love?

    I like how this poem turned out and the rhyming gives it a bit of a whimsical feel.

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