24 Firefly

A Firefly, one of the minutest insects

If not for its light, Never! would you even notice its existence

Similar to wasps, sans the light.

Mesmerizing to look at, especially after a bout of rainshower

Twinkling, lighting the dusk, the surroundings

Miniature lamps in the dark.

A puzzle actually, on where it gets its power to produce light

What’s the alluring light life span?

And not able to contain the enigma of the firefly

In an unprecedented fashion,

Trapped a lone Firefly to satisfy the curiosity.

But alas! Instead of discovering the undiscovered

The Firefly’s light started to flicker, diminishing the intensity

In a dying way, and with it its life was unceremoniously extinguished

Too much inquisitiveness not only kills the cat but also the poor Firefly.

Google was not consulted, various reading materials were of no help

and no efforts to asked around.

The only thing left is the lonely jar

where the Firefly perished, empty, dark and forlorn.

No amount of “I should have nots…” will bring back the life

of the poor Light Giver

No amount of guilt will justify the wrong deed

For the killer, the consequence of the act will be ignored

His world will continue to spin and he’s still in it.

But for the Firefly’s comrades, a grave loss

A mournful time, a pity

It should not have happened at all.

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