I Want to Believe (2022 Poem 16)

Twin Flame to my soul, I have dreamt of you
Yet I do not know, are you real

I grow and evolve, with each dat that passes
Am I meant to be happy now, until the end of time

If our Souls exist outside of time
Will we meet with our loved ones again

Both Time and Christmas are Fathers
So who is hooking up with Mother Nature

If Luck is a Lady and chance is a fine thing
Shouldn’t all our wishes on crossed fingers come true

With benevolent Aliens watch us, waiting for us to evolve
Wouldn’t it be time we all start group therapy sessions

If the Illuminati truly exist
Why don’t they start their own reality show

Living under God, Muhammad, Shiva, Quan Yin, and Buddha
Can’t we simply thrive in peace and love

Since I am Creatrix of all reality
Shouldn’t I be Queen or Cher by now

Knowing I am the Watcher, not the Thought
Do I truly exist?

(Prompt: โ€œWrite a poem with the last line being a question and the answer being the title.โ€ โ€“ Contributed by Megan Ameel Dobson.)

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