
She looked up from her knitting

at her daughter across the room,

sprawled on the carpet

reading a hardback copy

of “The Nail in the Oak Tree.”


She took a sip from her wine glass

on the table next to her and popped

a cracker and a cube of extra-sharp cheddar cheese

into her mouth.


She stood.

“I’m going out to water the sunflower bed.

Wanna come? It’s pretty out.”


“Sure.” The girl marked her page

and slid her book into her satchel.


Outside, they stood on the driveway pavement

and discussed whether there was space

in this flower bed to add some zinnias,

or should they go in the bed on the other side of the yard.


Arms around each other,

they spent several amiable minutes

admiring the garden, the fireflies,

and the moon-filled night.


Their last evening together.

One thought on “Memory

  1. I like this poem as it tells a story and draws the reader into your world with the imagery and choice of simplicity well written

    She took a sip from her wine glass

    Very descriptive and creative using all my senses taste

    As she looked across the room eyes

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