Poem 21 — Letter to Shaunton the Poet

Dear LadyOfPoetry,

I know you are well. Sometimes when I observe you in privacy, I notice many things and you can probably tell. Like you didn’t smile and make eye contact with the gentleman who held the door for you. I noticed you waved and smiled at the cute, dreamy eyed little girl, too. Don’t you wish your dreamy eyes were mocked in a face as precious as that? Or did you stop having Barbie dreams the moment your struggles grew fat?

Life challenged you in a different direction I see. I hope you’re not mad and blaming me. Continue composing great thoughts and developing the writer you want to be. Don’t permit self to grow and regret life entirely. Thank you for being so sweet and sharing the courage to go on. So much has tested you. And you’re blessed not to be torn.

You are a role model
Many women don’t want to admit. Like how you help when you don’t have to, and care more than a little bit.

Everything will be all right, lady. God has greater plans in store if you care. Smile, love, and strive to succeed.
Every hour loses many seconds indeed.

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