Intro 19

Hi, Everyone. Back again, serving time for rhyming behavior. This is either my third or fourth thong–er, I mean thon.

Heck of a year for me. Lost house, hubby, health.

Currently in chemo, cognitive studies at Jefferson Hospital in Philly, as well as unpacking and waiting for the bank to sell our old house. Cognitive issues make it hard for me to synthesize just about anythings. From items in the freezer that should make meals and just look like boxes, to boxes in storage that don’t ring a bell when I’m looking for important stuff to unpack, to words–just words. They’ve never been ‘just words’ before. And what to put together is a challenge.

Halfway through my book and am re-reading for editing. Can’t wait to get to the end and find out what happens. Don’t remember writing most of it. Every book is that way–surprise endings, no matter how many times I’ve read it.

Hubby isn’t gone-gone. Just psyched out from losing the house and hiding it from our family until it was too late. His brain is fried. Which gives me another issue to deal with–mostly alone.

Teenagers try to be a help, but other than the oldest going for groceries and the youngest giving good back massages from time to time…

My emotions should be just lovely for the prompts!

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