#10 – kenetei (Praise)

We sat for days, in those hours, in the morning, before the sun, before the world caught up to us. We talked of mysteries and hopes, of spirits, the lack of god, and pain, the pain that fathers know and elders. You gave me breath,…

#9 – Surrender (Image Prompt)

She breathed life to me by Carter’s mill, beside the walk cradling the edge of the river I didn’t know it at the time, I was full of myself and the future and grandness but I learned, eventually, those are illusions created by ourselves and…

#8 – Humanization (Pantoum)

I stand upon the precipice of knowledge, knowing the world revolves around nothingness. Red, yellow, black, and white learned this lesson once, before man discovered himself as different. Knowing the world revolves around nothingness, I prayed to my scarred ancient ancestor, before man discovered himself…

#7 – Broken Dreams (non-cliched angst)

The eggs were dry yesterday, and, each day after I bought them. It’s true the refrigerator leaked, but I covered them in plastic wrap and moved them to the front, where the leak was minimal. My girlfriend is coming tonight, and yes, it is to…

#5 – The Price of Urination (Technology)

android, robots, and neo-plastic killer drone time for this one to go home i see the future as if it’s now i see the past and wonder how i see the present in undertow i wonder if, they’ll ever know our brains are melted and…

#3 – Before Darkness (chowilawu)

We fly about on fragile wings that frantically beat, desperate in our need to gain formation, to gather together those of likeness and temperament, never quite understanding there is no direction home, yet, once begun, we are relentless in our pursuit. Warriors fighting against shadows…