Season of the Great Divide

one species, classified
homo sapiens for centuries,
no longer.
species broken, fractured.
irreversibly, irreparably split.

the only reasonable explanation.
how else to understand
the great divide
among the peoples of the earth?

the crack’s jagged edge
cuts not along color or race,
language or nations.
this division runs deeper.
deep through the hearts, the very souls
of humankind.

compassion versus criticism,
empathy against blame,
respect for knowledge wars with willful ignorance.

collective responsibility
personal responsibility

love for others, love for earth, love of self, love of the almighty dollar.
greed and selfishness take on generosity.
altruism. narcissism. oblivion.

love. hate.
me. you.
no longer one.
no longer us.
the one becomes two.

(Hour 7, Poetry Marathon 2020. Prompt: Title a poem “Season of the ____________.”)

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