3 AM


I wake

Cat ‘s claw in my arm

Time to get up

Alarm screams

Boyfriend chipper

I’m cranky

I want new F word replacement expletives

Need coffee



Chiquita banana lady has died

Dallas police station stormed

Computer freezes

Chirping insect outside

An annoying soundtrack

Over my impatient brain search



Cat fed

Coffee sipped

Computer light too bright

Words typed

Marathon officially begun.


Back for Round 2

Hi all. Back to do this crazy thing again this year. Found it interesting an challenge last year. Good luck everyone!

The Last Poem Poem 24

Its the middle of the night

The night quiet I began with

Is the night quiet I end with

Cat plays outside

The fan still whines

A few more lights

A few less fears

24 poems, 24 hours

A few times I almost failed

But the last few hours quickly sailed

I am already dreaming

Sitting up straight

Pen to paper, right where I began

Night engulfs me

Reminding me what was normal

Hazy sleep steps from the background

I will succumb very soon

A simple night

A simple action

One word piled upon one word

One though to one thought

One poem to one poem

An eternity in a day

A day in an eternity

Eternity in the poem

One night quiet to one night quiet

All of life is a poem

My Transformative Journey Poem 23

This morning I was someone else

A long days journey into  self

Words pulled from forgotten places

Reading posts from new familiar faces


Walking a prompt, rewiring an avenue

Pulling hats off of rabbits, changing my venue


An endless journey finally drawing to end

Pushing ideas around making new friends


A days worth of poems

A lifetime of wordings

A half hours napping

New truths unfolding

Way too much coffee

Not enough sleep

Way too much thinking

Which words do I keep


Its a mythical journey

Something grand has transpired

I’m achy and flakey and overly tired


Time’s almost over

My bed will await

I’ll sleep a few hours

And be on my way

Glad to be finished

Didn’t give in to defeat

Wrote me some poems

But glad to complete


Pieces Poem 22

Squirming against the current

Jaded in my soul

I cower in a corner

Afraid of what I know


Grief, apathy, and anger

Has split my soul apart

Broken pieces, small crumbles

Dangerous pointed shards


Get up you lazy coward

Pick those pieces off the floor

Put yourself together

But the pieces are too small


I cower in a corner

Afraid of all I’ve seen

Pieces of hope are scattered

My life a broken dream



Who Cares? Post 21

Prompt for hour who cares

Been doing this too long

Ya I profess to being a poet

But after 20 odd

I feel like a poser

A supposer


Hell no

Poetry feels like poison now

I drank it

My stomach aches

My headbursts

How much coffee can one one person drink?

Annoying and annotated

Sonnets and Free verse

To rhyme or not to rhyme

Can we just finish this thing?

I have to work in the morning

I’ll be poetizing all day

Sleeping at the wheel

I’ll be mortified


Metered and alliterated

I’ll be making haikus out of salami

Metaphors out of the cash register

Too many poems I tell you

Its gone on too long

Head exploding

Brain imploding

Too many flippin poems




You are my Chocolate Poem 20

You are my choclate

I crave you

In the middle of the night

I want to taste you

Bite you

Lick you

Consume you

You are my chocolate

Soft, sweet, buttery

Melting in my heart

You are bittersweet choclate

Moody and dark

You are milk choclate with caramel

That I still taste long after you’ve gone


You are my addiction

The sweetness that turns a bad day good

You are the silky texture

Of what love should be


You are my chocolate

My Ghiradelli Square

My Snickers Bar

My Milky Way

You cannot stay in my cupboard

You cannot be ignored for long

Passive Light Poem 17

A passive light

Retreating into semi-consciousness

My brain fizzles, spurts

and  crawls away

My pen is numb

My ideas faded



A soliloquy of stubborness


Passive knowings


Into near unconsciousness

My heart sputters,

Fades to black

Passive light to deepest dark

My soul evaporates

Shimmers to nothing


A poet with nothing to say

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Poem 19

Now I lay me down to sleep

I jolt myself awake

Poetry looms before me now

Don’t fall asleep for God’s sake


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps

Or at least your comfy old socks

Don’t put your head down for even a sec

You know how it is with these clocks


Force your eyes open do whatever you can

To keep your lost focus alive

Push yourself a few hours more

A poem will soon be your last


Now I lay me down…oh no

Stay awake, alert, and strong

Find that voice those last few words

The muse will push you along