Fearless Intangible Time

That fearless intangible time

Stealing my life

Grabbing one moment

then another and another

Graying my hair

forcing my body into new contortions

Spinning me into complacency

Tempting me with ecstasy

Promising me minutes

That turn into seconds

That flip into decades

Life happens

Corkscrews and pinwheels

Excited screams and deafening noise

Silent nights, irreverent joys

All rolled into a jelly roll of dramatic comedy.

Fearless intangible time

A quickening illusion

Spinning past at supersonic speed

One day into another into another

Barely noticed

Until it’s taken away.



Reverie (explosions in the sky)

I see them

Those memories

They flash in non-linear fashion

A long line up of regret

One soul

Losing in dreams

Lasting in drama

Drifting thru past lives

In the present name

I see them

A line of lovers

Friends betrayed

Friends believed in

Long lists of less

Shapes burning in darkness

My darkness

Private and alone

Memories floating on clouds

Memories lying in graves


Shame Depression

The ultimate torment

Riding the wind to my own

encounter with karma

What will the guides say

When we meet

How will they judge

This long list of loss and


I imagine they will be less harsh

More coaching

Less blaming

Maybe not

I glide into an endless sea of reverie

Assaulted by my own failings

My own choices

My own eternal judgment

Maybe forgotten

Put away in a small box

Hidden under the bed

But always in my heart

Always eating my soul.







Phantom (sestina)


It’s late and hard to Sustain
His brain sings the same Refrain
Life was not planned Judicious
Trying to stay living is ludicrous
Deep in the night lives Phantom
He strikes song his only AnthemThe song he sang as Anthem
Carried his heart to Sustain
He knew sometimes it was ludicrous
He just wanted to be Judicious
He sang loud his odd Refrain
That spirited lost song filled PhantomA lone sad and songful Phantom
Belting in hallways his glorious Anthem
Carried his melody hard to Sustain
His witnesses laughed it was ludicrous
His pointed song was forever Judicious
Singing his lonely night time Refrain

The song was a drifting Refrain
Sung by the lonely lost Phantom
In haunted halls singing his Anthem
To keep his presence he must Sustain
His whole routine seemed almost ludicrous
But his heart knew twas Judicious

Carrying her memory was always Judicious
He sang her name each Refrain
Proving his love had to Sustain
She would love him through Anthem
That lonely sad singing Phantom
Whose whole dark existence seemed ludicrous

The ghost hunters thought it ludicrous
To help him kept them Judicious
They heard his lost sad Refrain
Sang by the broken hearted Phantom
Singing his lost love’s sad Anthem
The sound his love could Sustain

Try to Sustain Tho is ludicrous
His sad Refrain His love Judicious
Lonely lost Phantom Singing her Anthem


So there are these chickens

We count them

Or refrain from it

Stopping ourselves

Because we shouldn’t

There is always the one

Trying to cross the road

For some philosophical reason

everyone wonders about

Why the chicken?

Why not a cow?

Why can’t we just count eggs

And be happy with that?


Poor chicken

I hope he didn’t get lost

Did he take a suitcase

A bandana with him?

He was just a poor chicken

Didn’t start with much

Probably out to make a name for himself

I hope when they took that chicken census

He stood up proudly

Stating his name with fervor

Before he took off

to places unknown

I hope he had a happy life

Full of seeds and friends

Hope he stayed in some nice places

I hope he avoided being someone’s dinner

I hope his chicken children and grand children

Shared his story

And at least one of them

Will take that road too

After he has been properly counted of course.



Hour 17


Hour 17

It’s 7:25

Nighttime on Maui

Twelve hours ago we flipped off lights

Now they are back on

Cat is ready for his nightly jaunts

My body craves sleep and normalcy

I don’t remember either

Words struggle with me now

Taunting me

Hiding behind who I thought I was

Crunch time

This is when the marathon sizzles

It wisps and quakes

Shrivels us inside out

I have been whipped by the sestina

Don’t remember my possessions

And if my sister reads that poem

It will be all over

I am numb inside and out

Coffee will be in my near future

So will that bag of chips

I promised to eat in small controlled amounts

A forgotten soul in a worn out body

I ignore my back pain

I look to the end

Hold to the present

The past is just jumbled words

Memory salad, word punch

I don’t remember who I used to be

Maybe I never knew



Poetry Form

The problem with poetry

Is there are too many rules

A sonnet is this way

You learn a haiku in school


There’s the ode and Epistle

The tanka, the bop

Seriously these people have got to be stopped


A sestina should be massacred

A Villanelle should be vilified

A  poem should be wonder

The student runs away terrified

I know I’m  just ranting

Poetry must have a form

But I am sounding the charge

Wailing the alarm

A poem should have rhythm

Just the right sound

But do we really need quintains

Roundels make me frown

No give me free verse

With nary a form

I’ll write you my best

Don’t make me conform








Here’s the thing

I grew up in your shadow


Your darkness

Drowned my sunlight

I couldn’t compete

Everyone flocked to you

You were the rock star

The violent one

The crazy one

I stood back hidden in the shadow

I raised your kids

Soothed their wounds

Hell I still do

I love you I do

But I am tired

Tired of being the shadow

Tired of licking wounds

I am out of salve and patience

I warn people

I do

They never listen

They don’t really know you

They see what I want to see

The fun, the laugh

But I know what is underneath

I have been there

Thru it all

I know your shadows are darker

Your crazy is deeper

Your haunting laugh

Is as phony as your tears

You aren’t real

You never were

I know that because I was there

You are the shallow end of the pond

The pretty flowers don’t go very deep

The petals blow away quickly

I suppose you don’t mean

To hurt the ones who love you

But you always do


I wonder if love even lives

Inside that heart of yours

Encased in faux gold

Crusted with cubic zirconia

I guess I sound bitter

It hurts to watch

You slay them all

One by one

No one sees you do it

No one understands it

Only me

And I am hiding in the shadows

Where you put me long ago.


There are a few things

They never tell you in the guidebooks

Things they don’t want you to know

About this paradise we call home

They don’t tell you about the three inch flying cockroaches

That fly by night and hit your window glass

with a large thunk

Or the clicking sound the geicos make at night

When you try to sleep

They don’t tell you they poop everywhere

That they glide up your wall

And they own you house and home


They don’t warn you about the cane spiders

Six inches across

That glare at you and then run

Way too fast to be caught or killed

They haunt your dreams and steals your calm

The first time you find one in your bedroom


They don’t warn you about red dirt

Blown through open windows

How it gets on everything

You dust and it comes right back

Like it never left and how after a few weeks

You let it win.


They don’t tell you about the trades

That blow sand on you on a beach afternoon

Blinding you, beating at your skin

Or the blistering sand that burns your toes

If you dare to take off your slippers


They don’t warn you that so much perfection

So much beauty

So much perfect weather can eat at you

Make you pray for rain

Or Snow

Or a colored leaf to drift from the tree to land at your feet.


They don’t tell you that one day

That fantastic rainbow

Swept across a sunlit cloud

Would become almost ho hum

That after the thousandth perfect sunset

You don’t seek them out anymore

They don’t tell you about the rats or the mice

Or the small cockroaches that fall out of trees

They don’t talk about any of that in the guidebooks

They don’t want you to know the truth

They want you to come

To spend your money

To wander the beach

And savor the rainbowed sunset

To feel the trades caress your face

To feel the warm sun kiss your skin

If they tell you about $10.00 milk

about $4.00 gas

About rent so high it hurts to pay

You may not come

They sell you the hula

But it’s just a dance

The luau is just a meal

Ah Maui, you are seductive

As tempting as any heaven

As hot as any hell

I would hate you if I didn’t love you so.

The Road Less Traveled


I listened to you Robert

I did, you inspired me

I took that path less traveled

That road to no where

I have holes in my shoes

I have no house

But I can appreciate a nice sunset

Or the way the wind whistles in tandem with the palms

It did make all the difference

I am a poet Robert

I can say that

I can

Maybe not quite of your genius

But I have a small genius of my very own

I could have gotten married

Had small children

Gone to college to studied botany or airplane repair

But I took the road less traveled

The overgrown one with snakes

I have gotten lost in the meter

Gotten poison ivy from too much alliteration

I have slunk away slowly from a dangerous haiku

I blame you Robert

I do

That road less traveled

It means services are pretty far in-between

You may run out of gas

You might not have a hamburger when you want one

You may have to settle

For cuddling up with a warm notebook

At three in the morning

I know you were trying to be inspirational

And Bob, you were

I listened

I heeded your challenge

I tripped down that road and never looked back

Just one thing Rob, one small thing

Could you at least have left a map?

Written a sequel?

Helped me navigate some?

See I am on that road

I can’t feel my way

I can’t see the trees or the forest

The Road is now a tiny path

The overgrowth is menacing

I don’t have a machete

I’m scared Robert I really am

I took the road less traveled

I owe it all to you.

Now I need you to help me out

Come back for me Robert.



Seems like every few years

A voice reaches up

Grabs me by the throat and the feet

Tells me it’s time to move on

Get out

Start fresh

All those clichéd ideas

So I pull out boxes, I go through my stuff

I toss out some

I repackage others

I get on a plane,

Hop in a car

Start anew

New surroundings

New people

Same me

Same misgivings

Same failures

Same ten cases of books I haven’t read

The same stack of notebooks

That contain great brilliance

If only I could read my writing

I get a new cat

A new job

I find a new love

Every few years I try a new path

Only to wake up one day

To see the path is the same

The same feet

The same throat

The same crazy voice

Telling me it’s time


I hear that voice now,

She starts as a whisper

In a year she will be a roar

If she doesn’t shut up tho

I may have to murder her

I live in paradise

My path is a good one

My boxes are safe

My shoes are comfy.

I am not going anywhere

I think she is the one that needs to go.

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