Hour 14 A redacted Poem

This is my redacted poem
an ode to all the unsaid words
blacked out on paper.
Read between the lines
and relate to what you can.
Rest is open to interpretation.


You can find my redacted words in the scrunched up paper in the bin.

Peace out.

Hour 13

Lessons nursing has taught me.

Show empathy – for you never know what a person may be going through.

smile and take your time – break it down.
May your actions radiate genuine intention.

Sometimes listening is all you can do. Be present. No need for words. Just hear them out.

Always ask for help when you feel overwhelmed.

When it is stressful just rememember its only for 8 hours.

It is important to switch off from work.

And to empathise without getting attached and emotionally involved.

Code brown means your patient has had a massive shit and you need to clean it up.



Hour 12 – Closeted Hoarder -Prompt 12

I am a closeted hoarder
I collect everything
And find it hard to let go.

Each item in my possession holds
sentiments and memories.
I am a closeted hoarder
I collect everything and
I am unable to let go.

I am trying my best
to cleanse myself of this God awful habit
Like a cancer it spreads– invading my self esteem, y being…
and I can’t seem to shake it off.

I reaffirm and remind myself
‘’You don’t need this, you think you do, but, you don’t.”

I am a closeted hoarder
I collect everything
And find it hard to let go.

I am ashamed of myself
And I hate myself for it.
I know I need help – however, I am not ready to ask for help from the outside world.
I’m not there yet…
I’m trying to be strong
I’m trying to help myself
but it doesn’t seem to be working
only worsening -sickening habit.
“I will get better.” I lie to myself.

I am a closeted hoarder
I collect everything
And find it hard to let go.

I see myself letting go
and forgetting everything.
My memories deny me access
to reminisce
-this is my worst fear.
And why I hold on
and struggle to let go.

I am a closeted hoarder
I collect everything
And find it hard to let go.

Hour 11

Having true Friends is a rare and beautiful thing.
You feel safe to share your accomplishments knowing that they will share in that joy with you.
They are rooting for you.
They sit in the silence with you and are not afraid when things get ugly.
They help you by offering a hand.
They have unconditional positive regard for you.

Friendship is a beautiful thing which starts as two ordinary individuals
who connect on the smae wavelength and understand each other.

Its an expereince of a lifetime -knowing that you are loved by a true friend and having grown old together.


Hour 10

What is love?
Couples and families with children facing each other
eating at the dinner table
talking about their day.
Cells phones switched off
or out of the picture.

Love is being present in the moment.
Being grateful for their presence.
Sharing conversations about mundane and spectacular
and celebrating everything in between.


Hour 9

She denied the lies
I laugh inwardly cause I know the truth.
funny how people get defensive
when speaking lies,
Lie to cover a lie,
it goes on and on.

Witnesing the web of lies
created just so she doesn’t have to admit the truth.
How much more pathetic can it get?

I act as if I am buying her bullshit
when I know the truth.

Hour 8

You were lovely
I was engrossed in work
and didn’t pay much attention
to the world happening around me.

I thought it was super weird
how you’d notice the little things
and were not afraid of complimenting me.
I’d blush inwardly,
I still do.
My stomach is in knots everytime
you look my way.
You made me feel so aware
of my presence and
my effect on those around me.

You are beautiful with your playful stares
and your mischief.
I would like to look at myself through your eyes.

Your gaze piercing as if you saw my soul.
You didn’t flinch, it’s like you were drawn.
you continued to maintain eye contact.
I couldn’t reciprocate your eye contact
as I felt self conscious and
scrutinized by the world around us.
I looked down and all around
while passionately romantising
the struggles of my current state.

This electric tenison between us
is so strong, I can’t help but
look for you and find myself matching
you against every other friendship I have ever had.
Nothing compares
there is none like you.
I find your essence in every little thing.

There is this constant tug of war in my heart
and it begins and ends with you.
Should I?
Do I dare?
I am afraid to find out what is behind that door.

Maybe I like you just a little too much,
but I prefer us being just friends.
I’ll deal with my emotions for now
By writing about you
But, I don’t want to lose you.
I’d rather have you as a friend than nothing at all.


Hour 7

The Power of Prayers

A conversation between you and GOD.
A link that is never lost,

Silence and meditation – prayer
You don’t have to always say something.

Spoken from the heart,
a plea, gratitude, offering, hope, surrender.

Say a prayer
you don’t have to be religious to pray
and you certainly don’t need to know the words,
let the silence guide you
and words flow.

Pray for hope,
pray for peace,
pray for strength
pray for forgiveness
pray for those who don’t pray.
pray for your enemies,
give thanks and honour.
stay humble in prayer.
Never demand
Surrender to God’s will.
Offer your prayers to GOD above
and let go of the rest.

Hour 6 – Mantra for self

Shed your old skin
resist the urge
to stay warm in comfort.

Instead go out
into the freezing cold
let your body adapt to
the cold.
it knows how to.

Challenge old beliefs about yourself
your doubts and misconceptions
your fears and anxieties
your failures and your perspectives.

Look beyond the skyline.

Explore your potential.
Become unlimited by your ambition and hard work

That’s where giving up is out of the question
and no regrets is part of the deal.

You give it all you got.
You fight hard.

You build yourself brand new day after day.

Hour 5


I recently finished a nursing course
and I’m on my way to getting qualified.
Everything seems so exciting and scary.
Oh! the opportunities and experiences awaiting me.
I still can’t believe it
The learning cultivated my curiosity and my intelligence.
The look of suffering on a patient’s face gave me the strength and courage
to experience difficult and uncomfortable feelings.
I toiled and worked hard
Many sleepless nights
With my anxiety and fears
Keeping me company.
But my sacrifices and resilience
Paved the way for my hard work
Hard work translated into results.
I tried, I failed, I got back up and dusted myself.
I am bettering myself for myself.
I am a better person than what I used to be.


People always said, you work very hard.
You are overdoing it.
I like the way you study.
I kept getting mixed comments
That’s all good and well.
I learned in those times
To stay true to myself
As I know myself better than anyone.
I didn’t just survive, I thrived
On the self encouragement my passion drew out of me
and resilience with which I get things done.

I learned to stand up for myself and look out for myself
never been a crowd pleaser
always took the hard way out.
That strengthened my character and made me ambitious.

Weather battered though I may be,
I am a warrior, I am strong, I am learning,
I am killing old versions of myself
that don’t serve a purpose in my future and my goals.
They cannot inhabit me anymore.

My strength and belief in myself hard carried me through.
I made it! I whisper to myself gleefully.