So this is how it ends

Mitch Brown


The signs were all there, but no one saw
Feelings hurt, emotions raw
The timing perfect, the gaping maw
The planning perfect, with just one flaw

So into the darkened future I head
Full of promise, yet full of dread
Thoughts of revenge run through my head
Thoughts that someone ends up dead

But in the end, cold reason prevails
Though things were tough on my poor nails
I see what was, and where led the trails
Start always again, when one thing fails

So the end of all good things
The end of promises and rings
The completion of a life that sings
We’ll just see what tomorrow brings

One thought on “So this is how it ends

  1. Wow – this piece really goes through the emotions. It’s angry and brutal at the start, but then pulls back, regroups, and looks for a way to re-imagine a future without the violence. I could see a lot of people able to identify with this – for whatever they might have experienced to make them feel so angry toward another or some situation. Emotions are tough to capture, most especially anger and frustration without falling into cliche or just sounding like a litany of complaint. This is more thoughtful, and the repose at the end actually offers a sense of hope through the experience of pain.

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