7. The new normal

Normal is no longer the norm.

With changes we now have to conform.

It may sound strange and absurd,

” New Normal” is now the buzz word.


The change in lifestyle, many do complain,

like an old sweater we want to retain.

Change with two hands, we got to embrace,

our old ways we can never, retrace.


For some,  the new normal has been frightening.

For me the journey has been enlightening.

A new turn in direction to my philosophy,

as I get to grips with advanced technology.


I now, from home do work,

no long hours in traffic to drive me berserk.

I am more efficient and constructive,

the day is now more productive.

I am no longer tired and angry,

I even get more time with my family.


Powerful,  Incredible,  Comfortable, Successful

is now the “New Normal ”




2 thoughts on “7. The new normal

    1. Thank you so much. The history behind the sweater is that I have a sweater that is more than 20 years and just as comfortable. My wife n children joke that I should get rid of it buy I can’t seem to let go. Some possessions just automatically fall a outside of the new normal

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