We Know!

Shhhh! We know!
Yes, we all know!
Everyone knows!

Didn’t you know?

Shhhh! He told!
Yes, he told people!
Then everyone heard it!

Didn’t you know

about the list of things
you’re supposed to know
not to know? The stuff

everyone knows?

Hush! Keep it down!
Don’t talk about things
you should know not to know!

It’s a secret!

The Thorn

Jesus Christ!

He wore a whole crown of them
in honor of the one you
stuck in your side.

You did it to yourself,
and now it pains you
to know you did it

to yourself!

I am sad for the pain…
the pain you feel…
the pain that leads you…

the pain that breeds
your disdain for humanity.
I cried for you last week…

for your soul!

You read each day
how the world hates
what you did.

You wonder how
you so enjoyed it,
reveling in your power…

using lust!

Prayers for the ugly
are so difficult,
but the tears were real.

I cried for you last week
as death stands before you.
What will you say when HE

asks about that thorn?


Goodness gracious!

It’s a crime… isn’t it?
Last time I checked, yes…

Let me look again. Hold on…
Ah, yes… ACLU, except they’re
left-wing liberal extremists.

Sigh… hold on, let me look again…
Of course! First Amendment!
Except that’s a right-wing extremist
talking point – that and number 2.

We can’t have people questioning
what they don’t know,
or thought they knew about HER!

The wickedly beautiful adulteress
whose claim to fame was

blonde with beautiful lips.

Come on… come on and grow up.

Fear is unbecoming of the courageous.
Propaganda is ridiculous on the face
of a government that “trusts in God.”

To quote my favorite doctor:
“The time has come!
The time is now!”
Turn your book upright!

It’s upside down.

The Origins of War

Some well paid puppet
with an ear
woke up one day

to hear some other
puppeteer say

“Hey, we need some
fluffy stuff to
fill the air with

“Hell, you say!”

He was in
a bad mood.

Son of the Bitch and Bastard

Yes, indeed… a real dog-faced asshole.
ugly to the point of fugly, and
entitled to the world.

Just a real doggone fucker.

Maybe he wanted me to…
sit on his face
with no panties on…

So I lifted the lid,
dropped in his head shot,
sat down, and…

Poor Humpty

Humpty, Humpty, Humpty,
put your pants back on!

Lay craquelure reveals your soul.

You fear God!
Oh, yes, you do!

And it’s wonderful!

The power I feel!
Radiating from us all!

All of us who hate pedophiles,

People, come together,
for that’s the secret.

They fear God so desperately
yet do the things – the gross things.

Oh! How delicious it feels
knowing your fear, Humpty.

Good people, unite!
Pray! Pray a lot!

Pray for what you want
to be the end of Humpty.

Visualize it, and it will come…

Humpty’s great fall….


Except, I would NEVER go out with you.

A Study of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Can this become a poem?
This… touchy… subject…

Perhaps a work in progress
as we all are, after all.

I learned today
to never say
“You make me feel…”
to a narcissist.

Except, I like that song.

True… it does give away power.
So does the song, but
in a sweeter way.

Narcissists push engagement
when one would rather
walk away.

Why is that?

“You” is not constructive.
“I am…” is self-empowering.

A narcissist will still attack,
minimize, criticize, gaslight,
scream, yell, trivialize,
and on and on.

Pray for them?
That’s where I lack faith.

Walk away from them?
Sigh… I’ve tried.
And tried, and tried.

They need me…
And that’s SO strange!

On Religious and Political Freedom

Thank God for the freedom of religion and politics!

Someone a long time ago had the right idea about it.
Someone… so few remember.

Then again, maybe most just didn’t listen.

Yes, you do have the right to TRY to tell me all about your politics disguised as religion,
and, lucky for you, I will listen politely because I am polite.

HOWEVER, you DO NOT have the right to force your ideologies or dictate my thoughts!!

To be clear, the fact that I do not care to give your “faith” ten percent of my six figure income
each year as a required “tithing” (aka tax-free tax) does not represent my opinion of God,

or people, or men, or Christianity, or churches, or Sunday, or Easter, or Christmas, or America.

You DO NOT have the right to frighten me with abusive behaviors that indicate I OBVIOUSLY
made the right decision when I chose NOT to join your politico-religious community.

Yes, I do write specifically about a handful of known individuals.

Am I mad at you? Well, yes, in fact, I am. You are no longer welcome in my social circle.
You did that to yourself when “no, thank you” became a complex phrase.

Why wasn’t my time and gracious attention to your presentation enough?

If God wants me to go to church, HE will inspire me directly, and He will not
raise red flags like banners billowing behind a prop plane.

All religious texts put forth various similar rules about this kind of thing – didn’t you read yours?

God does NOT hate me. Sorry to be the one to let you in on that fact. YOU ARE NOT GOD.
God does not hate you, either. I don’t hate you. I’m mad at you for violating my civil rights,

and then having your “flying monkeys” pretend to represent the divine will of Jesus Christ!

What blasphemy!! I’m telling you off because I know you will read this, then pretend you didn’t.
Not familiar with flying monkeys? Google it, and then go check out that Bible you never read.

My favorite Christian religion is Catholicism – they don’t proselytize, though some Priests…

Catholicism and Judaism are beautiful. Still determined to save my soul? Well bless your heart!
With respect to Eastern religions and the seat of my soul… please be satisfied that…

My pap smear was healthy, and Machiavelli was an atheist, so stay in your own lane! The END.

Thank you for requiring your pedophiles and rapists over the last 60 YEARS to wear condoms.
Yea, right.. God forgives rapes by proxy of half-Jewish children with beautiful mothers. NOT!!!

I was born in the fall of 1959 to a beauty who married a brilliant, talented Jewish man.

And, I am not interested in joining your church or rallying behind ANY political party.
Yes, I’m mad at you, I would never hurt you, and I can’t stop you from hurting yourself.

I am not obligated to forgive you. Why should I? Because you think God forgave you?

I am not God. Your relationship with the divine is none of my business. And, vice versa!
God is not pushing me to join your church. YOU are. Take responsibility, please.

And, while you’re at it… THANK GOD for the freedom from religion and politics.

And, one more little thing… I genuinely doubt Jesus Christ appreciates your org’s exploitation
of His holy essence as a psy-op tool. Shame on you! Nice chatting with you yesterday.




An Ode to Mr. N

Yes, you… handsome Mr. N.
My very best friend in the Universe… God…

Told me about you 30 plus years ago.

Believe it, or not…
He’s everyone’s BFF. Just ask him!

Everyone’s Sugar Daddy
sans the diabetic afterlife.

His joke, not mine.

Took me a long time to remember what Irene
told me about you. She said “God sent you to me for a reason.”

Then, she went on and on about
OMG, so much stuff!

So much, that I never remember until after things happen.

Mr. N., you don’t need my drama.
I am temptation, though this is not my intent.

My intentions are poetry, music, and theater.
All else feeds poetry, music, and theater.

And I’m SO tired of all this exploitation. REALLY, I am S.A.T.O.I.A.!!!

My good buddy, JC, says he’s going to give you
some other drama to run with.

Wait for it, Mr. N.
Have faith for it, Mr. N.

God will never EVER guide you toward Machiavelli.

Post-script commentary:

Who, exactly is Mr. N.? N, stands for “Nobody”, “Nuisance”, “Nefarious”, “Nonsense”, “Nasty”, “Narcissist”, and “Nut-job”. I have a lot of Mr. N.’s in this life’s history. “Handsome”? Hey, flattery helps!

Healthy Mind – Healthy Heart

You are absolutely amazing!
Gimme, gimme some o’ that you!

You’ve never had a more loyal supporter than me!
So, don’t question the purity of my motives.

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
One of us has to be right… and it’s me… always!

My ex was absolutely totally crazy!
Don’t forget that I’m the victim here… and you’re next!

Why can’t you just move on?
I don’t want to talk about what I’ve done wrong!

You are so _______! (selfish, controlling, immature, manipulative)
Don’t you dare have a mind of your own!

You’re just over-reacting / too sensitive. I feel sorry for you.
You need to quit being human.

You have no idea what you’re talking about…
Hey, look, I’m the keeper of truth, not you.

You must buy into my alternate reality
because I don’t care about you.

I don’t care, I don’t care.
I want. I want. I want.

And, it’s all your fault!

I win. They lose. You lose.
I matter. You don’t.
I am. You’re not.

Credit: Les Carter, PhD “8 Phrases That Scream Narcissism”

The disposal of truth…
just put it in the trash.

Give it to the garbage men
and women to disperse.

The closer one gets to
the top of the heap

the more it stinks
to high heaven!

Thank you, Dr. Carter, for making these videos. Here’s hoping the narcissists in my world will see this as a path to their own personal healing. “I hope this positions you to be a person of peace,” Dr. Les Carter.

Addendum: Every human being is a little bit narcissistic. And, leadership requires a healthy level of narcissism. Those who wrote the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights must have had an innate sense of how that healthy level of narcissism could descend into tyranny. These days, on all sides of things, it appears few are capable of accepting the truth. Instead, we are fed portions of a sautéed truth that one would never pair at a dinner party.

We of the worker class know that exhibiting our narcissism in the wrong way could cost us our jobs, so we behave. We look for ways to collaborate and express our ideas with tact and consideration. We avoid casting blame, and instead excuse with empathy. We know we need each other.

Yes, I’m talking about politics, even though I am mostly a-political, rolling from side to side in avoidance of the stinky mud, trying hard to flow with the clear water of truth. So, I see what is, not what others want me to see – provided enough information to see anything at all. What is politics, really? Just a whole bunch of people doing everything they possibly can do to keep their jobs. Sadly, this effort has drifted beyond simply doing their jobs to the best of their ability, and then accepting a termination of their contract with grace – like the rest of us do.

I read the other day that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has put his hat into the ring for 2024. Trump did well during his term in office, and I consider him a good President, despite his natural masculine proclivity toward beautiful women – which was not much different from Clinton. I do not care for the nonsense going on now, in April 2023. Such a waste of taxpayer dollars.

So, who will I vote for in 2024, between those two? That’s like asking me if I prefer crème brule with raspberries over a custard with raspberries and a crisped sugar coating. I plan on sending them both the same contribution, and I genuinely hope that, regardless of who wins, they will work together toward a prosperous and sustainable America.

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