
The start is always tough

Te rime is not enough

To achieve, you have to cry

Its not something else

You must at least try

Saying things are easy

Doing them needs




And soul

The Hide

Walking among the crowd

Masked with proud

People live a life

and don’t understand till the day


When the body lies on the ground

when the king puts down the crown

The masks are removed

Soul is bared

That is the time

When people are scared


Under those masks

Greed had lived

slowly and Slowly

Your soul was ripped

No truth was found

The innocence had gone

Reality knocked the door

and life is sour.


You know now

who real friends are

The time had flied


Walking among the crowd

Masked with proud

People live a life

without any doubt!

The looser

Losing something is painful

if its hope then one dies

We never lose in a competition

only lessons are learnt there


Exams? nope, they don’t make us losers

They are just a parameter of society


Job? No, it has no role either

Money,material and skill can be achieved anytime

You become better with time


The only person who decides is you

Don’t compare yourself with others

You are a champion

you are the leader

And only you know

Whether you lost it

or won life!

Looking in the Dark

Sometimes looking in the dark,

A doubt occurs in the heart.

Will this happen?

Am I ready?

Do i deserve it?


Sometimes while looking at the night sky

I dream about spreading my wings to fly

again a voice whispers in the ear

Will you be able to conquer all your fears?


Sometimes when feeling lost

I yearn for happiness at any cost

And then the courage born

Giving me power to move on!

Rain Drops

The rain drops playing under Sun’s gaze

They are laughing,

They are cuddling.

The sun refused to make them vapors again.


When rain pours

In a bright a sunny afternoon,

It seems like magic,

Like nature sharing a secret,

It tells me anything can be done.

One can be relieved

Even in the heat.


It tells me expect nothing

As presents are more beautiful

It tells me to trust myself

Encourages me to move ahead.


Then I see the rain drops again,

Shining in the sun rays

Embracing the ground

Making some memories

And telling me to wait for the same.



Who doesn’t like it.


You got to fight for it.


My Darling,

A little girl

Still stays inside you

She may want to be a princess

but you need to be the Queen.


Those bright lights can hurt your eyes

There will be betrayals

Its no surprise.


Running after fame

Is just too lame

You are born to win

One who knows her game.


So,get ready to sweat in the sun

And shine in the night!


Yes! Its Right.

Hunting is dangerous,

Finding is the right word.

While looking for the next one

We keep scrolling.


Windows are opened,

Shelves are shuffled again

And we keep scrolling.


Take a walk outside

Look at the trees

Smile at squirrels

Play with a cat

And we keep scrolling.


Suddenly we stop,

An order makes us do so

This seems perfect

A whole book can be written


His smile made me stop

And yes I can write about him

No matter how long

No matter the whole life!


Because love is infinite

And mine is just that!



A Promise

The Pages are so smooth

They too want to get drenched in words.


The pen glides in compassion

Wants to bleed all the pain,

wants to dance a lot in joy!


The mind is busy,

It doesn’t want any thought to be missed out,

Calling each and everyone,

Knocking even the farthest doors of memories.


My Heart?

Oh! its just sitting inside

Quietly,collecting his belongings

Observing everything.


Today, they all promised

They will help me cleanse

The Soul,

The eyes,

The dreams,

The Life!

Mostly peace

Going down the dark lane

we see some light coming through

pictures of our goals

clear and lovely too..


We see ourselves

like superheroes

kings and queens

we often see

something we keep…


Its the most peaceful state

one can be in

you are a baby

an innocent dolphin …


Remember its your gateway

to yourself too..

Some thoughts show themselves up

whom you don’t wanna talk to..


To sleep

is to live

in a world

of your dreams

Its also an escape

from a world

full of screams…


Look into the mirror

see yourself

who is that person

one with courage





everything packed inside

but still going on

moving forward

like a soldier

irrespective of anything

you are strong

now take a pledge

won’t doubt yourself


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