
A Moment of Joy

Writing poems with many

wonderful people,

none who I know personally

but gather with virtually

for exciting writing events.

We gather multiple times

each year.


Monsters under my bed

Can’t hang my hand over the side

something may grab it.

Can’t sleep too close to the bed edge

something may touch me.

I should know better

dust bunnies are all that

is under my bed.



we can be happy

We can have fun

We can enjoy time

because you are always asking



My father tells stories of greasing trolley tracks (Hartford CT)

so it couldn’t go. No trolleys today, but boy oh boy

the trouble we’d be in. When he tells the story you

can see him reliving it, every moment of fun. My

dad has this air of being perfect and proper not







Covid kept us home

so we could discover

who we are

and what we want

and how to get it.

Life isn’t meant to be spent

in an office cubicle

closed up with artificial lighting.

Done at last. I’ve struggled for the past few hours, but got it done. Will post the rest later today after some much needed rest. I slept in 45 minute intervals during the last couple of hours but now need real sleep. My cat has been with me all night. He would not sleep without me.


She cackled with joy

not sure why.

If something was funny

she would cackle with delight.

No one knows why

her cackle was unique.

Tickle her funny bone

she’d cackle all day.


My cat growled at me

when I didn’t go to bed

at the usual time.

He paced, he stared

didn’t understand

I need this time to rhyme.