Hour 4  (Epistolary Poem Marathon Prompt: writing a letter/poem to a deceased person)

My dear brother Bob:

Calling you dear most likely has you giving me a heavenly eye roll…..I would expect nothing less from you my dear, dear brother!

Your photo on my desk is a reminder of our youth, of your life and of your final earthly journey and how it has impacted my life today.

I feel your presence often, though I have not seen the big prehistoric bird on Robison road lately.  You know the one, the one that looks like a shoebill stork, the one that won’t let me get its picture.  It’s you, isn’t it?

Some people get cardinals and I get a 4’ tall bird native to Africa.

Do you know that every time I eat cheesecake, and currently that is quite often as dad is having it daily, I think of you?  I am reminded of one of the last times we were together, and we made your famous cheesecake and even a diet version that I must admit, I have not made since.

I think of your last days in the hospital at OSU.  We were there for you, with you every day.  We witnessed the love and respect your OSU family had for you, and how those young students held you in the highest regard.

I remember the tear that rolled down your jaundiced face, making it appear yellow.  I wrote a poem about it on my phone.  It seemed so poetic and so very sad.

I remember you finally asking the question, “Am I going to die?”  I guess I realize now why you hadn’t asked the question earlier; you knew the answer.  There was so much second guessing during your final journey and not telling you that “there is always hope” bothers me to this day.  I hope you know that it bothers me. I hope you realize my heart hurts just to think about that day, that comment.

We toast you on your birthday, which is probably so incredibly ironic and morose, but it is what it is.  “It’s a Bob thing!”

I go fishing around the date of your passing and that brings me peace.

I was not anticipating writing this today but it is part of a poetry marathon prompt and it felt fitting to talk to you today.  You always supported me, well not when we were chasing each other as kids and I threw the ashtray at your head, but you know, as adults.

I love you brother and miss your laughter, your candor, your inquisitiveness, your heart.

Until the next time!





Hour 3  (The BOP – a marathon writing prompt)




She took the challenge, knowing she could not go it alone

The tasks were daunting, the accolades few and far between

Each day posed a question, a problem, an issue to tackle

The mountain of uncertainty grew before her eyes

The puzzle seemed to be adding more pieces of varying size

Nothing seemed to fit though she knew that it must


Where could she turn, who could she trust, who had the answers she needed so desperately

She had an idea of who to trust as her muse, her confidant

Yet the opinions of others whom she also valued,

Would alter her direction, change her course

Had she put her eggs in the wrong basket, errored already

The clock of progression slowed with her uncertainty

Decisions were waiting for her green light or no go

She found this lesson in humanity unpleasant, not helpful

Was she really unfit for this new role


Where could she turn, who could she trust, who had the answers she needed so desperately


She heeded these lessons, though painful and poignant

She continued to listen to those whom she once had revered

She held on to their ideals and opinions, filtering them

Dissecting them, analyzing them for content and value

For each situation, each challenge, for each question posed

And she looked to the heavens and her heart for the answer


Where could she turn, who could she trust, who had the answers she needed so desperately









5-Minute Break


35 years together, quite a milestone

Kids and critters, good times and pain


Never a moment to rest and recharge

Go, go, go……..keep going; no time for breaks


The dust has settled now, kids are adults

Critters have come and gone and come again

First homes, second and third homes


The race is complete now

5-minute breaks at 23 North Market

Making up for time not lost but invested

Victory is ours





Hour 1

Flawless Imperfection


She worried about her shortcomings

It kept her up at night and often interrupted her day to day


What could she do to be, you know, better

Take a class maybe or practice or seek help from others whose similar ideals shined far brighter than her lack luster luminous


In her reflection, she could not help but think of the others, the stronger ones in her eyes, those who seemingly had it together, had it all


So she watched them, listened to them

The more she studied, the deeper she looked, she would come to find something unexpected, something less than stellar


Did a mere blemish make THEM imperfect

Or did it add a uniqueness to their being


Was this self doubt and constant scrutiny actually diminishing her glow


Upon this awakening, she would swear an allegiance that her flawless imperfections would be enough



Johnny D The Man For Me




J  Joking, and joyful a Jedi at heart

O Ornary by nature

H Honest old fart.

N Never nasty or negative

N Nice to a tee

Y Youthfully yummy

D Damn lucky me!


M’s M and M’s and M (or Marci’s M & M’s and More…..or Mouse!)

M’s M & M’s & M?


Marci had a sweet candy dispenser

Eating chocolate made her feel less tenser

She filled it with M & M’s

For herself and friends

And occasionally some for her sister.


Till one day when Clayton stopped by

Marci offered a snack he could try

Thought the chocolate looked dandy

He refused all the candy

Leaving Marci wondering why.


He gagged and he started to choke

As he pointed to the furry bloke

That had managed to climb in

And proceeded to dine in

On chocolate pieces with colorful coats.


It’s an obvious conclusion to say

The dispenser was emptied that day

Along with that mouse

One greedy fat louse

And some M & M’s to eat on his way.





When the morning calls me to start my day

And I find my desk full of work and woe

I know that across the stone covered way

Sweet Bud and Rosie are saying hello.


I find that their spirts will comfort me

Through the beautiful setting where they lay

I know they watch me and they’ll always be

Around to chat silently ‘bout my day.


The trees around Hampton cradle their hearts

While sunsets sing many great memories

Of the times we shared before they did part

Their presence tagging along with the breeze.


Cherished and loved and now missed by their kin

Visit dear spirits till we meet again.


Brother Dear


He was the first to join me in the ranks of sibling hood

Two years my junior, we shared holidays and suckers

We nurtured the two that came after and showed them

The ways of the world of brothers and sisters.


As teens we tolerated each other which was par for the course

He had his interests, I had mine.

“Your brother’s the one with the fro” they’d say

That was him, the only white boy at school with a fro

I guess he realized if he showed up in high school with those tight little pin curls

He was born with, they’d probably kick his ass or give him swirlys daily

He changed to survive.


His announcement to go to college was met with some skepticism by the family

Mostly due to the fact he nearly flunked out of school

But he showed us, he showed us all what he was made of, what he could do


Honored for his achievements at halftime at “The Shoe”, he almost didn’t go

He loved what he did, how could that be so special.  He was the one that was special.


Things became hard for him and harder still.  He tried hard to fight anyway he knew how.

But it wasn’t enough, even with help, it just wasn’t enough. We rallied around him, remembering the times of ole, the holidays, the hair, the love hidden under all of the typical sibling bullshit.


We stayed with him days and nights until the call came that he had taken his last breath, peacefully, alone and on his own terms.  There would be no more hard times, no more changing to fit in…….and no more Bob.


Miss you brother!



The Land Knows You, Even When You Are Lost

The land knows you, even when you are lost.

It remembers your first steps and cushioned your fall

It guided you to cool waters on a warm day as you dipped your toes in

And pointed you to the bluest skies when your kite wished to soar.


It shared its pathways when the hard times sent you to wander

And when the calling of nature’s beauty beckoned you to explore.


When life’s ever-changing ways were confusing

It boasted its resiliency to change and kept you strong and determined

Just as the trees blossom and brown and blossom once more.


When your lost, reach out to the land, it knows you, it’s been with you

It will comfort you, guide you and always be a reminder

That you are of the earth, they sky, the land; always and forever.