Hour 4  (Epistolary Poem Marathon Prompt: writing a letter/poem to a deceased person)

My dear brother Bob:

Calling you dear most likely has you giving me a heavenly eye roll…..I would expect nothing less from you my dear, dear brother!

Your photo on my desk is a reminder of our youth, of your life and of your final earthly journey and how it has impacted my life today.

I feel your presence often, though I have not seen the big prehistoric bird on Robison road lately.  You know the one, the one that looks like a shoebill stork, the one that won’t let me get its picture.  It’s you, isn’t it?

Some people get cardinals and I get a 4’ tall bird native to Africa.

Do you know that every time I eat cheesecake, and currently that is quite often as dad is having it daily, I think of you?  I am reminded of one of the last times we were together, and we made your famous cheesecake and even a diet version that I must admit, I have not made since.

I think of your last days in the hospital at OSU.  We were there for you, with you every day.  We witnessed the love and respect your OSU family had for you, and how those young students held you in the highest regard.

I remember the tear that rolled down your jaundiced face, making it appear yellow.  I wrote a poem about it on my phone.  It seemed so poetic and so very sad.

I remember you finally asking the question, “Am I going to die?”  I guess I realize now why you hadn’t asked the question earlier; you knew the answer.  There was so much second guessing during your final journey and not telling you that “there is always hope” bothers me to this day.  I hope you know that it bothers me. I hope you realize my heart hurts just to think about that day, that comment.

We toast you on your birthday, which is probably so incredibly ironic and morose, but it is what it is.  “It’s a Bob thing!”

I go fishing around the date of your passing and that brings me peace.

I was not anticipating writing this today but it is part of a poetry marathon prompt and it felt fitting to talk to you today.  You always supported me, well not when we were chasing each other as kids and I threw the ashtray at your head, but you know, as adults.

I love you brother and miss your laughter, your candor, your inquisitiveness, your heart.

Until the next time!




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