I am optimistic, hopeful that my endeavors are not all in vain
We can never truly predict an outcome, nothing comes with complete certainty
We are not promised nor owed anything
Yet we hope
We hope for things we desire, for best outcomes
Hope is like a wish with faith
I can wish upon a star and hope that it will come true
A wish with some faith but still uncertainty
Yet we hope
Every single day, for so many things
We hope for peace and comfort for ourselves and others
Like a prayer with no particular deity, just a shout into the universe
Regardless of all evidence to the contrary that our hopes are answered
Yet we hope
Because hope is a powerful thing, it inspires action
In ourselves and others, to try, to assist
Even a miracle needs a hand
Wishes are passive, hope is active
An active wish combined with faith
Now that can change the world
At least I hope