peeling off white

peeling off white


Don’t be fooled by the colours on my skin.

Don’t you be fooled!

I hide red under rainbows of ink

over white scars

torn by moments of doubt

as to who I am.


peeling white off red

like paint off rust


red off white

off red off

white off red


like it matters



Don’t be fooled by the colours on my skin.

Don’t you be fooled!

Things always look one way

seem one way

to hide realities in the soul

from a world that would

hate all I am

if I were otherwise.


peeling white off red

like paint off rust


my feet hit the red road

with dreams of mountains

drum songs

and starchildren.


All that ink hides all that skin.


Would it matter if it did?

Would it matter if I was who I am to the world,

where colour matters

when it’s not white.


Would it matter?

Would it?


R. L. Elke

(c) Aug. 5/17  Prompt 10

keeping the romance alive

keeping the romance alive


Passing you in the forest

or in between delicate, wrought iron filigrees,

I see you and immediately think on Whitman’s noiseless, patient one;

casting myself, too, to the Universe,

hoping to catch some small connection to some soul…

lost or otherwise,

so I can anchor myself somewhere

after half a life time of floating on thermals

when it’s time to be elsewhere.


I envy your weavings and connections –

randomly purposeful,

collected in unseen places to catch the nearest way

for the juiciest bits.


Yet you still terrify me

with your hairy, spindly legs

and gross eyes;

making me scream like a little girl

if I find you in my bathtub

…no Whitman there –

the romance is gone when I meet you out of context.

I’ll endeavor to remember your romantic nature

and the Whitman connection

next time I stumble upon you in my shower.

R.L. Elke

Aug 5/17 prompt 9

broken beauty

Original lines taken from Take This Longing by Leonard Cohen:

…your beauty lost to you, yourself,

just as it was lost to them –

take this longing from my tongue

all the useless things my hands have done

let me see your beauty broken down

like you would do

for one you love.


broken beauty


What did they do to your

confidence that you don’t see your beauty

behind the pieces of you lost

to time, to happiness to

pieces of you

you wouldn’t see in yourself.

If I could just

love you enough as

to hold a mirror for you to see yourself in it,

I wonder if it was,

or would be time lost

for me to

find them

and take

them a painting of this

holy mess they’ve been longing

to claim from

what they have stolen from my

heart, my soul, my tongue.

Like you, once and for all,

I need the

voices to stop telling me I’m useless

with these things

tangled in my

heart in my hands.

I need to have

peace in what I have done.

Even when you have my blood to let,

you see me

let me see

you and all of your

broken beauty –

soul held down

with kisses like

everything you said you

loved or would

love if we could do

what we needed for

ourselves just one

time if you

let me give you love.

R. L. Elke

© Aug 5/17 prompt 8


from the inside out

from the inside out




Like the keening of ancient mothers –

breast beating

throat tearing

savage grief

between bomb blasts

and gunshots

through deep, blue skies the color of lapis.




Like the scream of birth

or death

or sex

all mysteries never truly known to us until we get there.




Coming unhinged

for love or death

when neither seemed to be an option.




The wind

through shuddering branches

in a hurricane

or lightning storm.

Or prayers to all the Gods to keep them standing





arching into all of it.

R. L. Elke

© Aug 5/17 prompt 7

where silence lives

where silence lives


The spaces in between thoughts –

that’s where silence lives

or wisdom

or something I will never get to because my mind won’t stop filling with your eyes

or the memory of your whispers in my hair.


I try to get back to those spaces in between thoughts

but there is no more silences in my head.

Those spaces are filled with grains of sand and sea shells and sunsets

and the scent of coconut and sunshine.


The spaces in between thoughts –

that’s where you live so no one can find you and steal you

or force you into places accessible by day light.


I like you best in darkness and shadow

where my skin glows with the light with which you filled me

by the light of our bodies

and the stillness of our longing

I find you –

I find you in those spaces between thoughts

and desires –

for all I wanted and didn’t know I needed

in those silences between thoughts.

R. L. Elke

© Aug 5/17 prompt 6




forty acres

forty acres


“Forty acres” – he said it like it was a million, million dollars…or stars.  Finally, my father owned a plot or two of land like his father and his father and his father did so far back, no one knows how to get the sweat stains and dirt out of our DNA.


Our forty acres, Northern Alberta – sentinel stands of poplar and birch, flooded every spring by beaver and frozen every winter by the coldest winds I have never been prouder to survive.  Forty acres of trees and tough grasses so sharp as to cut through skin bared to summer sun in cut offs or bathing suit bottoms from the Sears catalogue – never quite getting what you thought you ordered.


Those forty acres were my proving ground – they took my femaleness and my virginity –

proved to me I could be anything I wanted to be – I could be the son my father wanted, high a top the bales of hay I helped throw with the men in my family.  I could be a poet, gazing at the rippling Northern Lights on clear, February nights. Wishing by crisp, moonlit December darkness beside my Sheltie Lobo; perched on the pile of fence posts, wishing I could be just pretty enough for that boy in school – for anyone…the nameless, faceless hoards of possible young lovers I thought I wanted.  I could be broken hearted and torn apart from all I thought I needed and come back together in splendid fashion when someone else needed the tears I so wanted to spill for myself.


Those forty acres rooted me – the only stability I had in a nomadic existence driven by the boom and bust ebb and flow of the construction business.  Maybe that’s why he said “Forty Acres” the way he did.  Maybe it meant the same to him as it does to me.  Maybe he felt the roots, smelled the sweat, and knew there was something in this black earth that made us grow, too.  Maybe it was his proving ground, too – that he could manage a farm, too…like his father and his father and his father so far back no one knows how to get the love of sun-burning skin and the smell of wet soil out of our DNA.  Maybe for him, too it was solitude and peace and the comfort of feeling your body firm and full against the strain of work and weather and the will to be more than the city made us be: soft and weak and lonely.


Forty acres, hoe in hand, mucking stalls, greeting sun rises from barn yards with the reverence of a priest; learning the value of life, death, and sacrifice at harvest and butchering time.  Honouring all beast and plant sacrificed to our bodies.  I became strong and proud. Sun kissed and frostbitten on those forty acres.  I became the best man for the job when none were around.  And I learned that I was more than my femaleness; my wicked body that betrayed me to those who would harm me.  I became a poet. A lover. A warrior – plugged into the Earth so deep as to feel the centre of it on my toes.


“Forty Acres.”  The song of freedom in every shaking leaf or clattering, ice covered, frozen branch.  Forty acres of me and my dog by moonlight where I learned who I am – where roots ran deeper than memory and sunshine or wet earth or dust taught me the songs of my ancestors so far back, no one knows the language of the dirt and sweat stains in our DNA.


R.L. Elke

© Aug 5/17  prompt 5



Wicked, Little Monster

wicked, little monster


Wicked, little monster,

dancing on my heart:

two-step, jig, or tapping

tearing me apart.


Holding me for ransom

for a price I cannot pay –

wicked, little monster,

don’t let me die this way.


I beg only for the mercy

I know you have to spare,

wicked, little monster

see how you’ve laid me bare?


Wicked, little monster

can’t you see me bleed,

crumpled, beaten, shattered –

kneeling at your feet?


© R. L. Elke

Aug 5/17  prompt 4

Shut up and dance



shut up and dance!


You, there!

You, there, with your belly full of stars:

can you see the path,

the link,

the umbilical cord between you and me made of lightning bugs –

yellow flies –

pieces of stars shattered by baby Thunderbirds

playing ball to keep them from making storms from boredom?


I could follow that trail to you –

the one between us that links us to the steps of the ancestors

and our beautiful beginnings

before we fell from the sky and shattered.


We danced by shadow filled with light so bright

that to hide it would shame all the stars witness to our dancing.


You hold my way to the light as I hold yours

and all our hopes become glass bridges over the Grand Canyon –

only dangerous if we look down.


You, there!

The secret to shadow dancing, then, is to shut up and dance –

with the stars in your belly,

like fireflies,

and don’t look down unless you remember:

I dance with you, too.


  1. L. Elke

© Aug 5/17  prompt 3




I let you slip

I let you slip


I tried,

with everything I am made of,

and not made of,

to keep you buried in me deeper than every secret I’ve ever kept in darkness

by fire and blood and wine.

I tried.


But I let you slip.

I let you slip to the pages of my note book where I pen you on the daily –

the reams and reams of poems in your delicious memory…

by candle light on your perfect body –

some written there, too.


I let you slip to leaf and flower and fruit

on the paths I walked to try any shake you free from the places in me I could not hold you

for arms too weak to carry all my heart has for you.


I let you slip from my lips,

whisper your name into my hands

into those moments of heat and longing when I should be most silent,

or moaning,

so my blood could cool for a second or two –

free from the lightning storm you have released in me.


I let you slip


I let you slip through me in the way my eyes reflect how I love you,

even from such a distance as this

how I love you

I let you slip through me

hoping no one else will catch you


through me.


© R. L. Elke

Aug 5/17 Prompt 2




I remember September, and those heady days of 1971 –

ok, vaguely –

before my sister was born and the world was mine alone.


Earth, Wind, and Fire –

those horns

always those horns

brought the sun on my skin,

my braids,

my face.


Those harmonies –

take me to those early adolescent days –

tape recorder recorded versions

dancin’ in September

recorded from tinny AM stations,



to play back –

dancing in closed-door bedrooms in sock feet

to slide and try the disco moves I saw on Soul Train.


Even then I wanted to dance like that –

maybe not disco but with some kind of rhythm beyond the Cree drum beating in my heart.


The bass,

funky and deep in my hips,

waking something in me I had seen hints of in my speeding heart beat

when cute boys

and some disco girls

were passing by in clouds of Herbal Essence

and Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific –

washed into feathered hair with gem-studded fingers

and gold-flecked water.


But those horns!

Those horns –

that YEOW!

are/were Everything!

Sunshine in my soul.

Sunshine in my soul in spite of any other dark, oily creatures vying for my heart.


Do you remember…?

those horns –

that base line –

makes me smile for those late days of the disco decade

when all I wanted to do was

dance in September

            when there was never a cloudy day…YEOW!

            when love was here to stay.


© R. L. Elke

Aug 5/17