Moonlit night for a coffee


Seeing the moonbeam from the sky
Taking a coffee from the canteen
Like a sitting duck felt different still
A dock on the shop
Sharing differently a day began
Mustering a city’s fog
Hold still it is a broad light to usher
A night to remember moonlit

Prompt # 13 Hour # 10
6:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019

Homogenic Love




Seeing the heterogenic realm of understanding in life

Fallacy of encroachment leading to a myth story

Underlying pointers seeing the points of a resolute


Leaping in the heart of a man and a man

Traversing a homogenic perspective

Grasping into a legendary tales of encouragement


An identity in its security

Guarding the status quo

Acceptance of another in new course


Prompt # 12 Hour # 9

5:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019

From Selfhood to Being



Underlying layers of a person leading a self to be unearth

Underneath circumstances leading to its own findings

Fulfilling the dimensions of knowledge of a self

Confounding tremors of exchanges forming into a being

To transcend and to lead a path to his Being

Be a part of fulfillment unto life




Prompt # 11 Hour # 9

5:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019

A Talent (sevenling)


Talents in unison

Confounded in shared reality

Finishing the polished elements


Remembering in the heart of matter

Yet the quest for fulfillment

Receiving its eternal reward


Blossoming reality of core being



Prompt # 10 Hour # 8

4:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019

A life exchanges


Eager listening to hums of cold wind

Winding road of new adventure

Leisure of new tomorrow

Cascading reality of new possibility

Rendering in the core of an existence

Freeing elements of known hearting

Experience of a lifetime

Musing away in clear grass

Fitting element of new movement

Engaging life much adventurism

A facade in the wings of love

Evolving dove fulfillment


Prompt # 9 Hour # 7

3:40  AM PHT 23/06/2019

too tired


Totally tired of everything

Missing the time

Clashing thoughts

Need to unwind

Suffocating feeling

So alone

So alone

So alone

Lingering thoughts of vanishing

Clearing out

Too tired

Really tired

Beyond exhaustion

Feeling lock down

Too locked away

Set me free

Let go of me

Set me free

Let go of me


Prompt # 8 Hour # 06

2:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019


A Thought in my head




Dimly lit

Total darkness

Can get out of it

Still in the vagueness of things

Moving away from thoughts

Lingering on my mind

Hang on you can do it

Embracing it

Just suffocating on it

Still a small space to be in

Taking the pace

Trying to get out

Still a thought mere thought

No just a thought

Feeling enclosed

So enclosed

Just a thought

A thought


Prompt # 7 Hour # 06

2:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019



Consuming fire across the hall

Burning papers everywhere

Turbulent heat feeling around the room

Fumes of old gas as if I am gasping for more breathe

Trying to escape from this imminent madness of fire

Walls falling down and top of the roof falling apart

Flames everywhere

Fumes smells

Wrecking sound of falling debris

Where am I going to

Time in its passage

Ought to do

Get out of the place really fast

Still am I alive

Really alive




Prompt # 6 Hour # 05

1:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019


A Journey

Indulging a fruit of the earth

Marvelous ways of latent judgement

Colossal task lies ahead in short span of time

Till the fulfillment of its duty consummates

Enriching the life of the universe

Far out and near sight grasping each moment

Gliding thru life journey

Forever reverberations of a spirit shared

In the universe of coexistence, a plain sight to zoom

Gliding thru life journey

A simple remembrance as life emulates

In the simple journeys serenading a butterfly in its understanding

A reminder to life journey short but meaningfully documented


Prompt # 5 Hour # 04

12:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019



A marvelous soul enjoyment



I write what marvels my soul

Delightful encounters of my own being shared

In the poetical expression of each flavors like fruits

Luminescence of insects marvels my soul

Engaging much to enjoyable phases

Truly illuminating the pleasure of simple person desires

Totally an engagement to marvel about the life ‘s stories

Communing in the communication of poetical artisan

Sharing the world in fast paced reality

Taking a break from its wonderment and merriment

What then life today meant for me?

A question with a simple answer to any person

Just simply doing it and realizing it

Life connectors of marvelous happenstances

Enlivening the tapestry of life universe

A realized person captivating into an existence


Prompt # 4 Hour # 03

11:00 PM PHT 22/06/2019