Grandpa Lafayette

Prompts for the Fourth Hour

Text Prompt

Write a poem set a hundred years ago, or a hundred years from now.

Grandpa Lafayette


My father’s Dad was born to life

In 1876.

The era of Monet

The Music of Debussy.

The painting of the stary nights.

The trench wars of the world.

The dying of Monet,

The death of Claude Debussy

The death of Grandpa Lafayette

when dad was only one.

And life was only 19 hundred.







Image Prompt

City of Stars

Prompts for the Third Hour

Not exactly a text prompt

Listen to the following song before writing a poem, you can also play it again and write with it:


Night time drive

Through the city of stars.

How is it so

that it floats above the cars.

Would that I could

Make this roadway, to incline.

Drive through the clouds,

and with their street align.

I’m confident

There’ll be a light for me.

Where I can see,

the retrospective part of me.





Before I Sleep

Prompt 2: Read Robert Frost’s poem Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening,  chose one line or phrase, and with credit, write a poem with that line or phrase in it. Prompt partially contributed by Se Johnson.


Before I Sleep


Before I sleep I’ll make a list

of things to do but to resist:

The garden needs some flowering,

The office needs un-towering.

The kitchen sink needs dishes washed,

The table needs the bread crumbs tossed.

The toilet needs a good scrubbing

My wife’s sore back— a soft rubbing,

The book at hand needs me to read.

Now add to this, I’ll write this screed.

Dogs need their walking

Granddaughters un-squawking

I’ve miles to go before my need,

for good night’s sleep, my conscience heed.






First Prompt: Write a poem about being in water. It can be about swimming, the shower, a bath, the rain, etc.



Raise a hose upon the land.

Lift it up with waters grand.

Mountain waters stored for me,

to rejuvenate each tree.


Raise a hose upon each child,

lift it up with waters mild.

Sparling spring in hand made wild.

Summer’s sun with yard hose bridled.


Raise a hose upon my conscience,

lift it up with fluid pliants.

Liquid wand of life reliant,

freshly wake my wit compliant.





First and Evening Light

Prompts for Hour Twenty-Four

I am home inside myself,

In the early sky.

When the glory of the sun

Peaks o’re mountains high.


Glowing light upon the grass.

Turning every surface gold.

On my porch, the mornings pass.

Joyfully behold!


I am home inside myself.

In the evening sky.

When the sun takes a descent,

Waving its goodbye.


When the shadows lengthen out,

Vibrant life explodes.

I am home inside myself

Walking gilded roads.





Text Prompt

Write about the place you feel most at home in.

Droplets of Seraphic Light

Droplets of seraphic light

the camera froze up time for you.

Glowing abdomens so bright,

dance around the tall bamboo.


I would like to join in play,

dapple light along my way.

Little seraphs tipped with light,

see me through this pitch dark night.



Tasking The Paranoiac-Critical Mind

Prompt for Hour Twenty-Two

Salvidor Dali

where is your paranoiac-critical mind

I need your method more than ever.

that state between sleep and consciences.

where abstractions grow like Van Gogh’s poplar trees.

Let me slip into your sleep-walking journey.

where reality fails to solidify.

and dreaming finds dimension.

just a few more hours of mental babbling on.

I am nearing the end of this daydreamer’s trail.

a road, never taken, to end well

and stretching, stretching beautifully,

In a grove of poet-trees.






Text Prompt

Write a poem to wake yourself up.


Ode to A Water Hose.

Prompts for Hour Twenty-One

You bridge a pipeline to each tree,

and flower patch and unpulled weed.

You’re more than just a plastic snake

as water shoots out from your neck.

You are my staff my scepter sleek

when I into my garden sneak.

I need not build a grand canal,

Or carry water in a pale.

My aqueduct— three-quarter hose,

Small waterfalls feed from your nose.

With you, I travel back in time,

to Eden’s watered river prime.

Oh, flowing sapphire staff made clear,

A snake, like you, is welcomed here.




Text Prompt

An ode is a formal address to a person, place, or thing, not present. An irregular ode does not have a traditional form but the manner largely retains the tone and thematic elements of the classical odes.  There’s a wonderful example poem here, called an Ode to Shea Butter by Angel Nafis.

Tending Water

Prompts for Hour Twenty

Water sheathes a newly field

in glistening rippled light revealed.


The silver moon rides o’re the sea.

If I could, I’d voyage with thee.


As the wind picks up the sail.

My silhouette falls on the dale.


The water bellows up the dam

and pours itself upon the land.


Tending water like its sheep.

As though, they graze on oceans deep.






It’s the homestretch/hardest part. Keep going!

Text Prompt

Write a poem about walking at night.

Image Prompt

If It Were Me

If it were me I would be;

The northwest side of a house.

Where I could shade

From the intensity of a noonday south

And the guard myself from the

overly dogmatic eastern past.


If it were me I would be:

a tree on top of a mountain.

Where I could stand alone and see

The city encroaching

But know it will never reach my deep-seated roots.


If it were me, I would be.

An ancient Sanskrit encyclopedia.

Where I could store for young people

All the lost secrets of the past, the prophetic visions of the future,

And how to live life best in the present moment.


If it were me, I would be.

The moment in time when it all began.

When everything was new.

And there were no old secrets.

No need to lie or hide the truth from the light of day.