I’m sorry I made you mad
when I messed my pants again
for the third time in one hour
I just couldn’t mke it
fast enough
And I’m sorry that my babbling
annoys you
I can’t always find the right words-
And it takes longer than most to
find them.
Please don’t ignore me
Please don’t be angry that I’m
so slow
I can’t move as fast as I used to
I have nowhere special to be now
Don’t act as though I’m a burden-
I don’t mean to be
I used to be on my own
Now I need help with everything
Please understand that I’m
Trying to retain my dignity
while giving up the choice
to live on my own
I know that you move
at a faster pace and my
slowness only angers you
Please have patience with me
I’m like a baby once more
I understand that it was
easier for me to come here
than for you to care for me
You tried- and for that alone
I love and thank you
Please understand that I am
scared and confused-
angry and maybe
even a little happy
Just accept me
Please hold my hand
and know that it gives me
comfort to hold the hand of
one who loves me
I have stories to tell
memories to share
feelings to feel
sit and listen-
Know me.
Please try to understand
my anger
My own body is rejecting me.
****Inspired by my Father, who struggled for several years.