Yet another shade of me 3am

I’m falling swiftly
I don’t know
what to do
how to say that
where to turn or
even why

Every time Someone
asks me
I know the right words
to say-
the ones that won’t
raise suspicions

I’m fine
everything’s good
no problems
nothing’s wrong

anything I can
so they don’t see
just how broken
I really am

asking for help
is not wrong
I know that
but you turned
me this way

Where asking for someone’s
help is like betrayal
We should fight our own problems
and not talk about them
to anyone

You had such a problem
with my talking to him
you hated it- loathed it
Said why did I need him
I had you

Having you is great
It’s one way to cope
but when you are the problem
You need a third party
for a sounding board

Why am I even explaining
myself to you-
You don’t care
Your only concern is
you con’t control me any longer

You can call me anything
anything at all
I don’t care

I know the truth
I know that I’m not always there
I may not be the sharpest
tool in the shed
the prettiest crayon
in the box
But I’m me

A mixed bag of
and so much more

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