How many ages he was tired
Without voice what he had to say
He has been waiting a few years
On my words to express his views
He may be a frustrated lover
He may be wanderer
I am unable to capture
If he may be Scientist
I tore out many books
I turned out many books for his history
I do not guess his footsteps
The person who painted this picture is anonymous
How nice to know his whereabouts
there is no proper scientific formulae
there is nor proper calculations
Poets like me kept an eye
to solve this riddle
I don’t trace out his inscriptions
Tell me a little if you guess
we will conduct a proper investigation
Oh my! It seems today is my lucky day for finding this poem. It sort of feels like it’s about a one-sided love but then it has another theme I’m unfamiliar with.
In any case, good going!
Thanks for your kind comment MelT20