There’s a hole in the world
I feel like someone should have told me
Someone should have known
There’s a hole in the world
And it reaches so far down
Into me
Into you
We should have been warned,
When we were forced into this world
We should have been warned
that there was a hole burrowing deep
into the darkest places
the darkest spaces
There’s a hole in the world
That no light can penetrate
Where it doesn’t matter that justice is supposed to be blind
because the rest of us are too
But not by choice
Never by choice
There’s a hole in the world and we’re all falling into it
Where the silence is more terrifying than the noise
and the noise is more terrifying than the silence
Where the air is thick with a choking fog
and the children will cry
and the children will die
There’s a hole in the world
Its people are breaking
and broken
There’s a hole in the world
there’s a hole