Poetry Marathon: My Plan

Hello everyone, I hope each of you are prepared. This is quite the literary challenge! I intend on writing each of my poems in advance and setting an alarm for every hour. Rest and nutrition are the fuel needed to make it to the end…

First Post

Hey everybody, I am looking forward to the marathon, and am really happy to be among a group of poets. I have written poems all my life, but the last few years have been prolific for me. However, very recently, I haven’t been able to…

Namaste, friends

Hello fellow poets. My name is Denise and I have been writing poetry for over 40 years. I started writing when I was a young child as a way of “voicing” what I could not speak out loud. It has been a 4-decade healing journey…

Salutations and Greetings!

Hello! I’m Serena and I’m doing a 1/2 marathon. I’ll be on a plane/going through customs/traversing the globe for the duration of the time, so I ask that you please excuse me for late entries. I will do my absolute best to post at the…

First time for me in any kind of marathon……

Hello fellow poets…. The beginning is the best place to start, so here it goes…… Its just me~ Jennifer.  I am excited, petrified, nervous, and anxious all rolled in one tight knot about the upcoming marathon. I love writing, well trying to write. Some people…


My name is Angelle. I write poetry for fun and brain work. I tend to be best at rhyming, Dr Suess type poems, though I try to stretch myself and try other styles, and topics. I am going to try and think ahead for topics…


Hi! I’m Erin, 19, and the wonderful Alora introduced me to this marathon. I live in Queensland Australia so the event for me starts at 11pm (because who needs sleep anyway?) I’m attempting the full marathon and hoping that I at least get one poem of…

Logophile from NorCal

Hi, friends.  I’m Veronica, a writer from northern California. Grant proposals, reports, blogs, social media posts, profiles, pamphlets, brochures, homeschool curriculum, non-fiction books – whatever it takes. Those are all for other people.  I’m currently working on a novel and a collection of poems.  Those…

From Missouri

How fantastic to be part of such an exciting poetry moment – and so cool that so many people are interested in taking part in this. I’m definitely excited. I signed up for a full marathon, but depending on how it goes I may switch…

Hey hey!

As the time nears, I am getting ready for an emotion filled day! I set my alarms, and I am busy collecting writing prompts! This is an awesome idea and I’m excited to be a part of it! Another idea, I will be taking a small video…