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His eyes hold me, Stuck between Yes And No. A breath away From us. One moment, One kiss, And then He’s mine. I cannot look away, Our life plays in my head. A movie, of forever. All I need to do Is send a message…

Hopeless Case

I’m not built for this. I’m a relic of another time. Where love came in its way. No, quick fix. Loneliness Was our fire. Now, we are lonely. In so many ways. Access granted, Passwords needed, Time not required, A swipe, A click, Edited pics,…


She found him in the dark In a place unreal A click and a wink, A smile And she is lost In the way, she believes he is. Tears Don’t come with a fantasy They are a bitter pill Called reality. She’s happy in this…

Walk into Eternity

When my final day comes, my long walk upon this Earth ends, I will not dread. Life is a dream, a dream from which all must wake.   Whatever reward lay on the other side, whatever judgement awaits me, I will face it tall and…

Celebrate the Dawn

The sun rise once again has come. Our watch through the long night has not been in vain. Hope rises as the golden rays meet our eyes. The gods might not be good, nor may they be merciful, but there is goodness in the world….

A Prayer

Thor give me guidance. Odin bless my day. I travel the unknown way. Dangers surround me. Enemies wait eagerly for me to fail. I will not, I cannot. While there is life in my veins. I will not flag. I will not fail. On and…


The weary traveler presses on through unending miles of sinks and bogs. The road is dangerous to travel at night. But the dangers are below his sight. He does not fear wrath or gale. For his goal is behind the veil of night deep and…

Life’s True Tragedy

The tragedy of life is not that it is short, nor that it is frail. Rather, tragedy comes when hope of meaning ends, and life must endure.   How long must the wounded warrior suffer in vain? How long will the pain of loss endure?…

Ballad to a Shield Maiden

I love a maiden who’s skin is fair as fresh milk. Her hair is spun gold. Her eyes are a sea during a storm.   She is more than an ornament, a fruit to be picked in its true time.   Her tongue is sharp. Her…